- Reformation





Reformation Centenary Broadsheet (1617)

Printer in 1568

Religious Divisions of Europe

Key Questions




  • Why did Luther's challenge to the Catholic Church create such a fundamental break religiously, socially and politically?
  • How did the struggles of the Thirty Years War began the slow secularization Europe?
  • What was the Church's response to these various challenges?
  • How does Baroque Art reflect the Church's response?

Reformation Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Reformation Art:

 Reformation Literature:

 Reformation Music:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Counter Reformation:



Brueghel,  The Adoration of the Kings (1564)

Durer,  Knight, Death, and the Devil



El Greco, View of Toledo (1597)

El Greco, Burial of Count Orgascz (1586)

St. Peter's Basilica, Rome (1506-1626)

Velazquez, Pope Innocent X (1650)

 Reformation  Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Reformation Art:

 Reformation Literature:

 Reformation Music:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:























Reformation  Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

 Reformation Art:

  Reformation Literature:

 Reformation Music:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations: