From Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine the Great (Act IV scene iii)






Holla, ye pamper'd jades of Asia!

What, can ye draw but twenty miles a-day,

And have so proud a chariot at your heels,

And such a coachman as great Tamburlaine,

But from Asphaltis, where I conquer'd you,

To Byron here, where thus I honour you?

The horse that guide the golden eye of heaven,

And blow the morning from their nostrils,

Making their fiery gait above the clouds,

Are not so honour'd in their governor

As you, ye slaves, in mighty Tamburlaine.

The headstrong jades of Thrace Alcides tam'd,

That King Aegeus fed with human flesh,

And made so wanton that they knew their strengths,

Were not subdu'd with valor more divine

Than you by this unconquer'd arm of mine.

To make you fierce, and fit my appetite,

You shall be fed with flesh as raw as blood,

And drink in pails the strongest muscadel:

If you can live with it, then live, and draw

My chariot swifter than the racking clouds;

If not, then die like beasts, and fit for naught

But perches for the black and fatal ravens.

Thus am I right the scourge of highest Jove;

And see the figure of my dignity,

By which I hold my name and majesty! (Act IV, scene iii)