

Lady Macduff (Michael Knudsen) talks pleasently to her son (Garrett Smith). They discuss metaphors to life, as well as the morality of the boy’s father. The Son is washing his hands as Lady Macduff relaxes in her chair/does household chores such as folding the laundry. The scene represents a sanctuary that should not be disturbed.


A messenger (Neddy Emala) attempts to warn Lady Macduff of the chaos that is occuring.  He tells them to try to abandon the castle.


During his attempted escape, the messenger is killed by two murderers (Chris Cortezi and Quinn Flaks).


The two assasins confront Lady Macduff and her child. They demand to know where her husband is.



The son of Macduff foolishly attempts to assault the first murderer, resulting in his capture and his death.


Stunned by the death of her child, Lady Macduff kneels by his corpse and moans murder. The second assasin proceeds to stab her to death.


After another young woman (Chris Nguyen) ran into the room and was kiled by another murderer of the band of assasins (Ben Fisher), Bodies lie on the floor, and the murderers make sure they killed and did not wound.

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