Chapter 7: Conclusion (pp. 208-231) Explain the crucial significance of Liebow’s
assertion that ghetto related behavior is directly related to the specific
socio-economic conditions of life in the neighborhood. How does he defend his assertion
that employment is of primary
importance in altering ghetto related behavior? How do the corner and its shadow system of
values provide a sanctuary for these men? Summarize the content of the
corner culture’s attitudes toward 1. Fatherhood 2. Marriage 3. Friendship 4. The Corner Culture itself Has Liebow
successfully made a case that we should create programs that change the mechanism
which produces these behaviors rather than programs which address the
‘immorality’ of the behaviors themselves? Appendix: A Field Study in
Retrospect (232-256) How had Liebow
planned to conduct this study? Why did Liebow
alter his initial plans for
conducting this study? As Liebow
entered into friendships with the people who were the subjects of his study,
how was his objectivity
threatened? To what extent should the racial divide between the writer and his
subjects affect our judgment of the conclusions which he draws about their
lives? On the other side, what benefits
does this human perspective bring to our understanding of the behavior of
street corner men? Is this type of study of poverty
more valuable than a statistical study which seeks to eliminate the subjective
bias of human feelings and intuitive insights? |