Urban Studies
Spring 2008Essay Project: What Is To Be Done For William
Paca Elementary School?
This essay is due on Friday, March 7th at 3:30 p.m.
During the next few weeks we will be reading Jonathan Kozol’s The
Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in
America (2005): a muckraking attack on current policy for the
administration and finance of urban schools in America.
Your task is to evaluate the validity of Kozol’s critique by closely
observing the way one urban school functions: William Paca
Elementary School in East Baltimore. Is our current policy, as
mandated by the federal “No Child Left Behind” law, working?
As a group we need to generate a series of questions which will help
us ascertain the reality of the situation at Paca. We need to decide
if the picture Kozol paints of the situation in urban schools is
true. So while we are helping the kids at Paca prepare for their
annual MSA Reading, Writing and Math tests, we will also be
interviewing students, teachers and administrators to find answers
to our questions.
Once you have gathered enough information to make an informed
decision, you will write a profile of the student with whom you have
worked the closest. Is this child being left behind despite the
legislation? Who is to blame?