W.E.B. DuBois, Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others, 1903
From W.E.B. DuBois. The Souls of Black Folk: Essays and Sketches.
Fourth Edition. Chicago, Ill.: A.C. McClurg & Co., 1904 [originally
published 1903].
Easily the most striking thing in history of the American Negro
since 1876 is the ascendancy of Mr. Booker T. Washington. It began
at the time when war memories and ideals were rapidly passing; a day
of astonishing commercial development was drawing; a sense of doubt
and hesitation overtook the freedman's sons,--then it was that this
leading began. Mr. Washington came, with a single definite programme,
at the psychological moment when the nation was a little ashamed of
having bestowed so much sentiment on Negroes, and was concentrating
its energies on Dollars. His programme of industrial education,
conciliation of the South, and submission and silence as to civil
and political rights, was not wholly original; the Free Negroes from
1830 up to wartime had striven to build industrial schools, and the
American Association had from the first taught various noble trades;
and Price and others had sought a way of honorable alliance with the
bet of the Southerners. But Mr. Washington first indissolubly linked
these things; he put enthusiasm, unlimited energy, and perfect faith
into this programme, and changed it from a by-path into a veritable
Way of Life. And the tale of the methods by which he did this is a
fascinating study of human life. . . .
To gain sympathy and cooperation of the various elements comprising
the white South was Mr. Washington's first task; and this, at the
time Tuskegee was founded, seemed, for a black man, well-nigh
impossible. And yet, ten years later it was done in the words spoken
at Atlanta: "In all things purely social we can be as separate as
the five fingers, and yet one as the hand in all things essential to
mutual progress." This "Atlanta Compromise" is by all odds the most
notable thing in Mr. Washington's career. The South interpreted it
in different ways: the radicals received it as a complete surrender
of the demand for civil and political equality; the conservatives,
as a generously conceived working basis for mutual understanding. So
both approved it, and to-day its author is certainly the most
distinguished Southerner since Jefferson Davis, and the one with the
largest personal following. . . .
Mr. Washington represents in Negro thought the old attitude of
adjustment and submission; but adjustment at such a peculiar time as
to make his programme unique. This is an age of unusual economic
development, and Mr. Washington's programme naturally takes an
economic cast, becoming a gospel of Work and Money to such an extent
as apparently almost completely to overshadow the higher aims of
life. Moreover, this is an age when the more advanced races are
coming in closer contact with the less developed races, and the race
feeling is more intensified; and Mr. Washington's programme
practically accepts the alleged inferiority of the Negro races. . .
In answer to this, it has been claimed that the Negro can survive
only through submission. Mr. Washington distinctly asks that black
people give up, at least for the present, three things,--
First, political power,
Second, insistence on civil rights,
Third, higher education of Negro youth,--
and concentrate all of their energies on industrial education, the
accumulation of wealth, and the conciliation of the South. This
policy has been courageously and insistently advocated for over
fifteen years, and has been triumphant for perhaps ten years. As a
result of this tender of the palm-beach, what has been the return?
In these years there have occurred:
1. The disfranchisement of the Negro
2. The legal creation of a distinct status of civil inferiority for
the Negro.
3. The steady withdrawal of aid from institutions for the higher
training of the Negro. . . .
The question then comes: Is it possible, and probable, that nine
millions of men can make effective progress in economic lines if
they are deprived of political rights, made a servile caste, and
allowed only the most meagre chance for developing their exceptional
men? If history and reason give any distinct answer to these
questions, it is an emphatic No. And Mr. Washington thus faces the
triple paradox of his career:
1. He is striving nobly to make Negro artisans business men and
property-owners; but it is utterly impossible, under modern
competitive methods, for workingmen and property-owners to defend
their rights and exist without the right of suffrage.
2. He insists on thrift and self-respect, but at the same time
counsels a silent submission to civic inferiority such as is bound
to sap the manhood of any race in the long run.
3. He advocates common-school and industrial training, and
depreciates institutions of higher learning; but neither the Negro
common-schools, nor the Tuskegee itself, could remain open a day
were it not for teachers trained in Negro colleges, or trained by
their graduates.
This triple paradox in Mr. Washington's position is the object of
criticism by two classes of colored Americans. . . .
[Some of these] men feel in conscience bound to ask of this nation
three things:
1. The right to vote.
2. Civic equality.
3. The education of the youth according to ability.
They acknowledge Mr. Washington's invaluable service in counseling
patience and courtesy in such demands. . . . They advocate, with Mr.
Washington, a broad system of Negro common-schools supplemented by
thorough industrial training; but they are surprised that a man of
Mr. Washington's insight cannot see that no such educational system
ever has rested or can rest on any other basis than that of the well
equipped college and university, and they insist that there is a
demand for a few such institutions throughout the South to train the
best of the Negro youth as teachers, professional men, and leaders.
This group of men honor Mr. Washington for his attitude of
conciliation toward the white South; they accept the "Atlanta
Compromise" in its broadest interpretation; they recognize, with
him, many signs of promise, many men of high purpose and fair
judgement, in this section; they know that no easy task has been
laid upon a region already tottering under heavy burdens. But,
nevertheless, they insist that the way to truth and right lies in
straightforward honesty, not in indiscriminate flattery; in praising
those of the South who do well and criticizing uncompromisingly
those who do ill; in taking advantage of the opposition at hand and
urging their fellows to do the same, but at the same time in
remembering that only a firm adherence to their higher ideals and
aspirations will ever keep those ideals within the realm of
possibility. They do not expect that the right to vote, to enjoy
civic rights, and to be educated, will come in a moment; they do not
expect to see the bias and prejudices of years disappear at the
blast of a trumpet; but they are absolutely certain that the way for
a people to gain their reasonable rights is not by voluntarily
throwing them away and insisting that they do not want them; that
the way for a people to gain respect is not by continually
belittling and ridiculing themselves; that, on the contrary, Negroes
must insist continually, in season and out of season, that voting is
necessary to modern manhood, that color discrimination is barbarism,
and that black boys need education as well as white boys. . . .
It would be unjust to Mr. Washington not to acknowledge that in
several instances he has opposed movements in the South which were
unjust to the Negro; he sent memorials to the Louisiana and Alabama
constitutional conventions, he has spoken against lynching, and in
other ways has openly or silently set his influence against sinister
schemes and unfortunate happenings. Notwithstanding this, it is
equally true to assert that on the whole the distinct impression
left by Mr. Washington's propaganda is, first, that the South is
justified in its present attitude toward the Negro because of the
Negro's degradation; secondly, that the prime cause of the Negro's
failure to rise more quickly is his wrong education in the past; and
thirdly, that his future rise depends primarily on his own efforts.
Each of these propositions is a dangerous half-truth. The
supplementary truths must never be lost sight of: first, slavery and
race-prejudice are potent if not sufficient causes of the Negro's
position; second, industrial and common-school training were
necessarily slow in planting because they had to await the black
teachers trained by higher institutions,--it being extremely
doubtful if any essentially different development was possible, and
a certainly Tuskegee was unthinkable before 1880; and third, while
it is a great truth to say that the Negro must strive and strive
mightily to help himself, it is equally true that unless his
striving be not simply seconded, but rather aroused and encouraged,
by the initiative of the richer and wiser environing group, he
cannot hope for great success.
In his failure to realize and impress this last point, Mr.
Washington is especially to be criticized. His doctrine has tended
to make the whites, North and South, shift the burden of the Negro
problem to the Negro's shoulder and stand aside as critical and
rather pessimistic spectators; when in fact the burden belongs to
the nation, and the hands of none of us are clean if we bend not our
energies to righting these great wrongs. . . .
The black men of America have a duty to perform, a duty stern and
delicate,--a forward movement to oppose a part of the work of their
greatest leader. So far as Mr. Washington preaches Thrift, Patience,
and Industrial Training for the masses, we must hold up his hands
and strive with him, rejoicing in his honors and glorying in the
strength of this Joshua called of God and of man to lead the
headless host. But so far as Mr. Washington apologizes for
injustice, North or South, does not rightly value the privilege and
duty of voting, belittles the emasculating effects of caste,
distinctions, and opposes the higher training and ambition of our
brighter minds, --so far as he, the South, or the Nation, does
this,--we must unceasingly and firmly oppose them. By every
civilized and peaceful method we must strive for the rights which
the world accords to men, clinging unwaveringly to those great words
which the sons of our Fathers would fain forget: "We hold these
truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."