Notes on "Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Promise of Nonviolent
Populism" by David Levering Lewis
Unlike black churchmen in the South who had
traditionally played an intermediary role between blacks
and whites, King was a militant black protest leader
whose broad popular base enabled him eventually to
pursue social goals beyond civil rights. He catalyzed
disaffection with the NAACP's strategy of legal change
and made effective use of 'non-violent direct action'
first in pursuit of civil rights and then, late in his
career, in pursuit of economic opportunity for the poor
and disadvantaged. King's career can be divide into
two periods. From the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1956) to
the Selma March (1966) he used innovative protest
tactics to achieve traditional citizenship rights for
blacks. From Selma to Memphis (1968) he used these
tactics in pursuit of more radical economic goals.
Part One:
Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)
At the age of 26 King was invited to be
the leader of the Montgomery Improvement
Association. King's skills as an orator and
his personal courage made him immediately
effective as a leader who sought to maintain
the resolve of the people as the boycott
stretched on month after month. Like the
providential choice of King as leader, the
choice of the tactic of non-violent passive
resistance could also be described as
circumstantial, not philosophical, because
no other method of applying pressure would
have been as useful in this situation.
During the bus boycott, the formula for
later civil rights campaigns was developed:
clearly articulated grievances; peaceful but
provocative demonstrations; publicizing of
violence by whites; effective national fund
raising; forcing eventual federal
intervention and, finally, rational
negotiation of a settlement with city and
business officials.
King's leadership role called on him not
only to rally the troops with his oratory but also to
galvanize marches and demonstrations with
his presence. His willingness to serve jail
time for the cause elicited national and
international press coverage. He barnstormed
the country speaking at fund raising
functions. He enforced discipline by
publicly enjoining the demonstrators to hold
fast to the philosophy of nonviolence, and
he proved a calm and effective negotiator in
the final settlement of the boycott.
His leadership was challenged by
paradoxes due to his stance of non-violence.
First, the tactic would have proven
ineffective if not for the violence
inflicted by whites on protestors. King was
frequently criticized for disrupting what
was described as a slower and more orderly
progression towards civil rights for blacks.
More radical organizations like CORE and
SNCC also frequently opposed King's
'conservative' leadership and accused him of
being beholden to whites who sought to
moderate the goals of the movement. |
The Albany Movement (1961)
As the leader of the SCLC King and the
movement suffered a defeat in their fight to
desegregate public facilities in Albany,
Georgia in 1961. Whites discovered that the
most effective way to resist the demands of
the demonstrators was to carefully avoid
accusations of police brutality. While
pressure was put on white business owners
not to cave to the demands for integration,
police carefully presented themselves to the
national media as patient guardians of
public order. Behind the scenes, the police
chief Laurie Pritchett had made arrangements
with county officials to jail demonstrators
in rural facilities. Pritchett was also
prepared when King and other leaders
deliberately sought to be jailed themselves.
Pritchett recognized that national media
attention would focus on King's arrest, so
he arranged to have King's bond paid and
discharged him from jail. Public opinion
turned against King and the demonstrators,
and the federal courts with held their
support, eventually issuing injunctions
against further demonstration. King's moment
in the national spotlight seemed to be
waning. |
The Birmingham Movement (1963)
When the SCLC acted again, they were
determined to be better prepared. Their
efforts to de-segregate public facilities in
Birmingham, Alabama proved to be the
crowning success of the movement to that
point. The SCLC planned well, it took
advantage of divided white leadership in the
city, and the federal government was finally
induced to intervene decisively on the side
of the protestors. King and his fellow
leaders visited the surrounding communities
and firmed up support for the coming
demonstrations. King raised considerable
monies to support the protestors at fund
raisers in Los Angeles and New York. They
set out to provoke a crisis in Birmingham
and publicize the injustice of segregation
in the most dramatic way possible.
King enunciated the movement's goals
clearly in his Birmingham Manifesto: "We act
today in full concert with our
Hebraic-Christian tradition, the law of
morality, and the Constitution of our
nation. The abscense of justice and progress
in Birmingham demands that we make a moral
witness to give our community a chance to
survive." When jailed after leading a march,
King responded to criticism from local
religious leaders of his willingness to
break the law with his "Letter from a
Birmingham Jail". In it he justified his
followers 'lawlessness' by arguing that only
just laws need be obeyed and to be just a
law must correspond to God's law. Laws
enforcing segregation were unjust because
any law that degraded people could not come
from God. He ended the letter on a high
religious note: "One day the South will know
that when these disinherited children of God
sat down at lunch counters, they were in
reality standing up for what is best in the
American dream and for the most sacred
values of our Judeo-Christian heritage."
Initially, the police of Birmingham
followed the strategy of non-violence and
restraint which had been so successful in
Albany. Their goal was to show the country
that their order was rational and peaceable
as opposed to the demonstrators' rabble
rousing and potential violence. At one point
the movement appeared to be losing its
momentum, but the SCLC leaders had organized
the city's high school children to play a
pivotal role in the demonstrations. After
hundreds of adults had already been
arrested, the children commenced a massive
demonstration which resulted in the arrest
of more than 2000. The police lost their
patience and turned attack dogs and high
powered fire hose on the marchers, creating
media imagery of Southern brutality that was
quickly transmitted to televisions
throughout the nation and around the world.
Public outcry and new financial support
followed. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy
telephoned city officials. The Supreme Court
declared sit-in demonstrations legal in
cities that enforced segregation ordinances.
In subsequent talks with the city officials,
King negotiated the end to segregation in
Birmingham schools, stores, jobs and
transportation. |
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963)
King's "I Have a Dream" speech is the
third great document of the this period of
the movement's history. In it he declared
that he still held fast to a dream, a
profoundly American dream, that one day the
nation would really practice its creed that
'all men are created equal', that the
children of slaves and slave-owners would
one day live in brotherhood. On that great
day the nation, black and white, would
finally be free. The speech was
accompanied by a series of demands for
legislators in Washington: a comprehensive
civil rights bill, a Fair Employment
Practices Act to bar job discrimination,
establishment of a national minimum wage,
immediate desegregation of all public
schools, a massive federal job training
program, a federal order prohibiting housing
discrimination, and injunctions reducing
congressional representation in states which
continue to disenfranchise minority groups.
King had initially sided with the White
House in its opposition to the march,
fearing violence and the possible damage
that publicity might do to the
administration's own civil rights
legislation. Only after RFK and LBJ ok'd the
march did King sign on. Many members of the
movement found King's reluctance to
participate to be proof that his decisions
were being directed by powerful government
officials. he was accused of being an
accomodationist beholden to whites who
regarded him as a moderating influence on
the movement's goals.
However, in 1964 the Civil Rights Act was
passed marking the end og segregation in the
South. The movement's focus turned to voting
rights as blacks sought to regain their
rights as full citizens and take back the
political power long denied them. |
Selma to Birmingham (1965)
National attention had been generated
for the voter registration drives of the
SNCC Freedom Summer of 1964 due to the
murders of three volunteers: Goodman,
Schwemer and Chaney. The Mississippi Freedom
Party was created and held mock elections
which sent delegates to the Democratic
National Convention in Atlantic City. There
delegate Fannie Lou Hamer addressed the
nation via television, demanding a place on
the convention floor and dramatizing the
plight of disenfranchised blacks in
Mississippi and throughout the South. In
1965 the SCLC targeted Selma Alabama for its
voter registration campaign. They planned a
mass march from Selma to the state capital
of Montgomery to petition Governor George
Wallace for the right to vote. Violence was
threatened against the marchers form the
outset, and King was unable to get federal
judges to enjoin the Selma police from
interfering with the march. King led a march
to the border of the city and then backed
down, refusing to violate a federal
injunction forbidding the march from
proceeding. Student militants in SNCC
deplored King's decision, but in March
President Johnson called for a voting rights
act in a speech which ended "And we shall
overcome." A week later the march from Selma
to Montgomery took place, culminated by one
of King's greatest speeches. The Voting
Rights Act of 1965 was enacted , and during
the same year LBJ passed legislation which
declared war on poverty. |
Part Two: King Takes the Movement North
The Civil Rights Movement splintered in 1965 and
1966. Riots in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles
were followed by massive protests against American
involvement in the war in Vietnam. King made the
controversial decision to oppose the war in Vietnam and
to criticize the emergence of the black nationalist
ideology that emerged in the wake of rioting in cities
around the country. King had concluded that the
movement could not rest on its accomplishment of civil
rights for blacks. Merely reforming the law to include
blacks as full citizens would not address the underlying
cause of discrimination: poverty. He argued that the
nation's economy itself would have to be reorganized:
the cities needed to be rebuilt so that the poor could
live decently and work productively within them. Some
industries would have to be nationalized. A guaranteed
annual wage would have to be enacted. To pay for such
massive programs, the war in Vietnam would have to end.
King's move to the political left alienated many of
his liberal white support. While ready to support the
movement's effort to give blacks full rights as
citizens, they balked at demands for fundamental
economic change: jobs programs, opening federal housing
to blacks, and boycotts of businesses that discriminated
against blacks in hiring practices. At the outset of
King's career, he had argued that with civil rights
blacks would be able to 'pull themselves up by their own
bootstraps' and overcome poverty.
King was criticized by civil rights leaders and white
supporters alike for his new stance, and LBJ vilified
King for his 'betrayal'. But King saw the evolution of
his political ideology as a natural extension of his
Christian morality and common sense. In Stride Toward
Freedom he said, "Any religion that professes to be
concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned
with the slums that demean them, the economic conditions
which strangle them and the social conditions that
cripple them is a dry-as-dust religion." In Where Do
We Go From Here, he said, "The real cost lies ahead.
The stiffening of white resistance is a recognition of
that fact. The discount education given to Negroes will
in the future have to be purchased at full price if
quality education is to be realized. Jobs are harder and
costlier to create than voting rolls. The eradication of
slum housing millions is complex far beyond integrating
buses and lunch counters."
For King the battle against racial segregation led to
the larger assault on discrimination, leading in turn to
the final assault against economic exploitation. He had
concluded that any substantive improvement in the
condition of the Afro American necessarily entailed an
at least minimal redistribution of national wealth
through government intervention.
In Where Do We Go From Here, King criticized
black separatists because they gave "priority to race
precisely at a time when the impact of automation and
other forces have made the economic question fundamental
for blacks and whites alike." He called the struggle for
rights "at bottom a struggle for opportunities."
Despite criticism from moderate black leaders, King
participated in demonstrations against the war in New
York City's Central Park in April 1967. He declared that
"we must combine the fervor of the civil rights movement
with the peace movement", and sought to develop a new
diverse political coalition of the poor.
For his "Poor People's Campaign" in 1968 King
summoned the politically weak, the economically
deprived, the angry young of all races, and the
disenchanted liberals to form together a community of
action sufficiently powerful to force the enlightened
attention of Washington and Wall Street. To achieve such
a coalition King would have had to overcome the long
standing animosity between poor people who tend to blame
each other for their situation. He would have had to
create a truly multi-racial coalition including not only
blacks and whites (who constituted the majority of
impoverished people in America) but also Native
Americans and the growing Hispanic American minorities.
Despite the huge challenge of uniting such a
disparate group, King believed that to slow the pace of
progress would make certain the rise of racial
extremists who called for open and, if necessary,
violent action. King feared that inciting riots would
lead to a white backlash that would exact a fearful
price on opportunity for blacks.
King's assassination helped fuel the terrible series
of riots which helped lead to the withdrawal of
businesses and middle class residents from the cities.
In 1968 King had hoped to create a coalition which would
have supported the Presidential aspirations of Eugene
McCarthy or Bobby Kennedy. It is not far-fetched to
assert that if King and RFK had lived, the potential for
victory in the election on an anti-war, Economic Bill of
Rights platform could have taken place. |