Russian Studies 09/15/11
Peter the
Great : Reading Guide 2.0
Read the Shcherbatov
piece with an eye to understanding how some could (and would continue to) look
upon Peter’s reforms as deeply subversive and regrettable.
The proto-Slavophile criticizes Peter for
subverting the traditional religious beliefs and respect for authority in old
Russia by injecting Western style competition into the bureaucracy.
“… true attachment to the faith began to
disappear, sacraments began to fall into disrepute, resoluteness diminished,
yielding place to brazen, aspiring flattery; luxury and voluptuousness laid
the foundation of their power, and hence avarice was also aroused…”
Slavophile position: The pursuit of ‘liberal’
self-interest over dedication to the welfare of family and country will
lead to social disintegration and a new Time of Troubles. Russia ought to adhere instead to its traditional
cultural patterns: autocracy, rigid social classes, and peasant communes.
Instead of rational self-interest, the Russian people will model for Europe a
different path to reform and social justice based on communal ties.
Spend more time on the Zitser
piece which continues our exploration into the impact of Peter on the
direction of Russian history.
Skim all but the last sentence of
the first paragraph but then pay close attention to the argument carried
forward in the next paragraph. Follow
the distinction made between organic and forced change, and Anderson’s
assessment of Peter’s impact on change in Russia.
Was Peter really necessary, and if so,
necessary for what?
Structural/organic historical forces
determine change (Hegel) vs. Intentional/forced change from the top down
gathering in Russia prior to Peter’s reign enabled the consolidation of the
state. Peter did introduce reforms, but Russia was already headed towards
modernization. Peter’s actions significantly accelerated change through his
embrace of Western ideas about statecraft and rational bureaucratic reforms,
but his reforms had been long in the making. His reforms are best understood
as an evolution not a revolution. As a matter of fact, his reforms may have
retarded R ussia’s natural evolution, shunting it
on to a path of militarization and mechanization.
Note carefully Anderson’s
analysis of the harmful impact of many of Peter’s reforms: the mechanization
of force (Peter’s impersonal bureaucracy) weakened old Russian personal power
politics and damaged Russia’s organic development.
Follow the distinction between
“psycho-historical” and “geopolitical” explanations for Peter’s motivations.
What are the key
“psycho-historical” elements noted here?
To what degree do
individuals influence the destiny of nations? (and even
their own destiny?)
Anderson believes that Peter’s
aggressiveness was driven by psychological motivations.
The war games and mock rituals (blaspheming the church) that Peter engaged in
as a child served, in ways similar to court masques in Western courts, to
rehearse Peter for his own manner of exercising power. Did Peter make war on Sweden, a real
gamble, because he had been playing war games all of his life?
is the “geopolitical” explanation?
Hard headed real politik
(Machiavellian empirical exercise of power) dictates that the leader pursue the necessary actions to enhance and
preserve self- interest in any given geo-political situation. If Peter had
not reformed the military as he fought and finally defeated the Swedes, they
would have attacked Russia and conquered her.
is Zitser skeptical about this theory?
Peter’s own pursuit of
diplomatic initiatives actually created opportunities to transform the
geo-political situation.
Note that
Zitser prefers Oliva’s
view of Russia’s relationship with the West.
Peter’s example of dynamic,
secular leadership ‘westernized’ the West by modeling the enlightened despot.
Note the two reasons why some find Peter’s
legendary status appealing.
1. Western taste for the
2. Defense of top down,
state sponsored revolutionary change (the model for Lenin and Stalin): the
hope of rapid development through enlightened despotism
intellectual appeal of the myth for Peter’s contemporaries parallels the
fascination with the Soviet experiment among the western intellectuals of
Anderson’s own generation.”
does Anderson object to the second and more serious source of appeal?
Peter was not a revolutionary
pursuing an articulated social ideal.
does Zitser agree with Anderson but disagree with
his reasoning?
The whole concept of
revolution in the modern, post- French Rev sense was alien to Peter’s
historical milieu.
Do you like Peter?
We would like to think that one man can
change history, no matter how negative that change might be. The existence of
human agency in history comforts us with the notion of progress. Human agency
alone makes responsibility viable (and our dignity as sentient, autonomous
beings). If, however, organic (structural) forces beyond our understanding
and ultimate control drive history, then we cannot alter what is to come,
which might be good news.