- Age of Mythology






Minoan Snake Goddess
(1600 BC)

Bull-leaping (Toreador Fresco),
from the palace at Knossos, Crete,  (ca. 1450-1400 BC)

Key Questions





Mythology Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

Mythology Art:

Mythology Literature:

Mythology Music:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:




















"Prince of lilies" or "Priest-king Relief", plaster relief, Palace of Knossus (1550 BC)


Seated Harpist
Marble statue from Keros,

Cyclades,  c.2300 BC

Mythology: Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual Religious

Mythology Art:

Mythology Literature:

Mythology Music:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

  • The Agricultural Revolution (Washington State University)
  • 2346 Sitting down to supper, 10,000 years ago
  • Herodotus, Egyptian Social and Religious Customs
  • "What Was the Influence of the Egyptians on Greece?" From Bernal, Martin. Black Athena, 1987, 1-18. (Mosaic)
  • Genesis: A Living Conversation (PBS)
  • 20 Genetic mutations of wheat and the invention of farming
    [emmer, anthropology, agriculture, genetics, grain, biology, mutation]
  • 2102 The cradle of civilization: further north than we thought?
  • 2026 Ritual origins of technology: balance and metaphor
  • 355 The remarkable level of engineering in the Neolithic stone age
  • 367 Diving into what was once a Minoan shipwreck, 4250 years ago
  • 396 Bread, wine, and beer: the origins of fermentation
  • 540 Inventing agriculture: A new look at an old story
  • 399 How we got from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
  • 575 Ancient ziggurats: Was one of them the Tower of Babel?
  • 1065 Inventing the alphabet -- sowing progress and chaos
  • 1074 Imhotep, the first real person in recorded history
  • 1192 In which a deluge transforms the Black Sea -- and farming
  • 1254 A new look at the wheel: the problem of rotation
  • 1212 Human history in terms of macroparasites and microparasites
  • 1257 Digging the first Suez Canal, 4000 years ago
  • 1334 Watching Europe go from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
  • 1502 In which the temptress Moon leads calendar-makers astray
  • 1121 How farming came to Europe 8000 years ago
  • Tucker, The Beer Archaeologist (2011)
  • 1699 Çatalhöyük: An ancient city, held together by plaster
  • 2085 The Eruption of Thera: a terrible volcano redirects history
  • 2102 The cradle of civilization: further north than we thought?
  • 411 Unraveling the Mysteries of Stonehenge
  • 343 A 6000 year old roadway in neolithic England









Mythology Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious

Mythology Art:

Mythology  Literature:

Mythology Music:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations: