28 June 2005Why did the British Empire expand so rapidly
between 1870 and 1900?
Laura J. Barton, Adams Grammar School, Newport, Shropshire,
United Kingdom
Although Hobsbawm's "tools of Empire" had been available for
decades as a result of the Industrial Revolution, it was not until
this period that they were used extensively, as the so-called Age of
Indifference, during which Britain was a satiated power, came to a
close. Between 1870 and 1900 the formal Empire expanded to occupy an
area of 4 million square miles, despite the lack of coherent
imperial policies. Yet there is no simple explanation as to why such
expansion took place during this period, and it is only through
combination of the many factors, metropolitan and peripheral, which
historians have suggested that the motivation becomes more apparent.
One such factor is the economic motivation of Britons, having a
desire to defend the financial interests abroad of chartered
companies founded earlier for individual financial gain -- for
example, Goldie's United Africa Company, Rhodes, and the British
South Africa Company, and most famously the East India Company,
founded as long ago as 1600. Whilst nominally still a company with
shareholders and directors, in fact the East India Company had
ceased to be trading company at all, and was instead authorised
ruler of the vast Indian subcontinent. The markets for British goods
opened up in such areas by these businesses, coupled with the vast
resources of cheap raw materials to be found there, made defence of
such interests of paramount importance.
Britain's informal empire was aided by the Industrial Revolution,
which provided the tools of Empire, such as the Gatling Gun, the
railway, and the steamship. Such technological advantages, according
to Hobsbawm, "made the conquest of weak industrial people easier."
Meanwhile the industrial revolution motivated the search for new
markets, especially during the depression from 1875, when according
to Hobson "greedy capitalists" preferred to invest in new areas than
raise wages. This metropolitan explanation, however contentious,
accurately indicates the importance of the economic potential of
colonizable areas -- something that all the European powers
Indeed, the emergence of new powers, which appeared to rival
Britain's economic and imperial supremacy, challenged both its
financial and strategic interests. After 1871 newly unified Germany
tipped the balance of power in Europe since Austria-Hungary was
subordinate to it, whilst France sought to restore prestige after
the Franco-Prussian War. Following the American Civil War, high
wartime tariffs remained in the USA, and the new country looked
likely to become an economic rival. A.J.P. Taylor justifiably
construed European imperialism as a manifestation of the struggle
for mastery: each country tried to tip the balance of power, and
undeveloped areas provided an arena for competition. It was felt in
Britain that the emerging Great Powers sought to emulate Britain's
great power and status. Consequently, a largely unjustified sense of
insecurity developed in Britain, which lead in turn to a desire to
defend the British Empire.
Such challenges from other developing nations were one of the
peripheral factors that, by threatening British interests, forced
increasing colonial involvement and the official control. For
example, the participation of Britain in the scramble for African
colonies by European states was partially motivated by this
competition. More important a factor, however, was the need to
maintain order in profitable, if unstable, areas where informal
companies were thriving. Such internal instability, however, often
resulted from the presence of British influences in the first place
or from the men-on-the-spot, such as Lytton in Afghanistan, whose
aggressive policies towards threats to stability provoked further
As Gladstone's defence of the Suez Canal shows, such assertion of
stability often required establish formal political control of a
foreign country or region. In the case of the Suez Canal, Gladstone
was forced to stabilise a country shaken by the turbulence caused by
Arabi Pasha's nationalists, and hence in July 1882 British troops
occupied Alexandria in order to protect the valuable trade link the
Suez Canal. The irony of his defence was clear; he had warned in
1875, when Disraeli had bought the shares in the Canal, that it
would require such protection. Nevertheless, following the Battle of
Tel-el-Kebir, Sir Evelyn Barying was appointed Consul-General of the
country. Ever the moral guardian, however, Gladstone asserted that
he had acted to restore civilised Christian order to the country
rather than extend Britain's influence or economic interests. Such
reluctant or accidental imperialism was typical, and highly ironic
in view of the parsimonious government policies of retrenchment that
Gladstonian Liberalism embraced and which protectionary imperialism
contradicted; in order to protect colonial markets and sources of
materials, protectionist policies were adopted.
Gladstone's reluctance was in complete contrast to Disraeli's
rhetoric of Empire as a pillar of Tory Democracy which would unite
the classes, or "two nations of rich and poor," under the banner of
imperial pride. This ideological viewpoint proved an important
justification of imperialism, as Mackinnon and Rhodes cited what
Kipling called "the white man's burden." This duty to exercise
civilising influences on native peoples by providing stable
government and justice was seen to be greatly to their benefit.
Many, such as those who founded the British Empire League in 1894,
felt this duty was a long-term justification for occupying an area,
over and above economic motives, which might have been quickly
exhausted. However, such federal imperialists achieved very little,
something that Disraeli's having expanded the Empire less than
Gladstone illustrates. Such trumpeting was often glorified rhetoric
which came later than the initial economically motivated expansion.
It was exemplified by Disraeli's seeking votes in the post-Alabama
affair environment.
Statue of Bartle Frere Statue of Bartle Frere Two details of the
Bartle Frere Memorial, Victoria Embankment, London. Click upon
images for larger ones, which take longer to download.
Contrary to such talking-up of imperialist ideas, there was no
planned expansionism during this period by the British. Deliberately
aggressive policies were pursued only by European states or the
men-on-the-spot such as Bartle Frere or Lord Lytton. Rather, the
securing of markets and raw materials, especially in times of
economic depression, was a crucial factor, especially when such
markets were threatened by deliberately expansionist European
nations or internal turbulence, often caused by irresponsible or
greedy British presences themselves. Such a distinction between the
rational, reluctant motives and aggressive, provocative imperialism
was best made clear by Lord Rosebery, Liberal Prime Minister at the
close of the period, when he said "sane Imperialism, as
distinguished from what I may call wild-cat Imperialism, is nothing
but this -- a larger patriotism."
Victorian Web Victorian History British Empire>
Barton, Laura. “Why Did the British Empire Expand So Rapidly Between
1870 and 1900?", (2002), Imperialism [Core] Secondary