- Middle
The Apostles at
Chartres Cathedral
The Rose Window at
(1240-1250 AD)
Cathedral (1194-1260)
Key Questions
- How did the English language evolve
from Celtic to Old English to Middle English?
- How did Christianity come to
- Can we see the Beowulf story from
Grendel's point of view?
- What is the relationship between
the mode of production and the values and economic/political/social
structures in medieval Europe?
- Describe how Augustine's theology influenced
the medieval worldview.
- How did Thomas Aquinas synthesize
faith and reason in scholasticism?
- How is the medieval realm the
foundation for modern Europe?
- What motivated the main
developments in musical texture from the homophony of Gregorian Chant to the early polyphony of
the Ars Nova?
- How did medieval music reflect the
changes occurring socially in the Late Middle Ages?
Middle Ages Political,
Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious
Middle Ages
Middle Ages
Middle Ages
Primary Sources:
Primary Sources:
Primary Sources:
Primary Sources:
Gothic Architecture:
Gregorian Chant:
- Gregorian Chant,
Mass for Christmas Day: Kyrie, (c.600?)
- Gregorian Chant,
Sequence for Easter, Victimae,
- Gregorian Chant, Psalm 109: Dixit
Ars Antigua:
Cross of Muredach 923 AD
Cathedral (1194-1260)
St. Denis Nave
(1137 AD)
Sainte Foy
(1050-1120 AD)
Sutton Hoo Purse Cover
(625 AD)
Virgin and Child,
Notre Dame Paris
14th c.
Middle Ages
Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious
Middle Ages
Middle Ages
Middle Ages
Secondary Sources:
Secondary Sources:
Secondary Sources:
Secondary Sources:
- The
End of Europe’s Middle Ages (Calgary)
- Britain in 380 AD
- Chadwick,
Celtic Britain
- Shaw, Who Killed the Men of England? (2009)
- Saint-Denis, a town in the
Middle Ages
- Medieval Social Hierarchy Page
(Montclair State)
- The papacy, religious change
and church reform, (1049-1125) (St. Andrews
- Gilliam, The Genius of El Cid
- The First Crusade:
Sanctifying War: Overview (Norton Anthology); The Crusades
- Papal
Planning Caused the Crusades; The
Crusades Were an Episode in European Expansion; Popular
Consensus Enabled the Crusade(Mosaic)
- Map of the First Three
- The Middle Ages: An
Introduction (Norton Anthology); King Arthur: Romancing
Politics: Overview (Norton Anthology)
- Genghis
Khan - founder of one of the world's largest ever land-based empires
- The Early Islamic Conquests by Fred Donner (extract from his book)
- Ockham's
Razor - cutting medieval philosophy down to size
- 1470 Occam's razor and engineering design
- 33 Perpetua Mobile and the Medieval mind
- 57 Ceremony in the manufacture of a Samurai sword
- 476 Lynn White, the stirrup, and the feudal system
- 312 Old technology faces new at the Battle of Hastings
- 625 The crossbow competes with guns and long bows -- and loses
- 546 Trotula and medieval women's m
- 607 Hi-technology windmills come to Kent in 1200 AD
- 999 The invention of eyeglasses ca. 1286, and the rise of reading
- 1008 Who really were the discoverers of America before Columbus?
- 1228 Medieval Europe learns to measure reality with numbers
- 1406 The end of the medieval age of reason
- 1417 In which the medieval clock metaphor finally collapses
- 1469 The hourglass: the poor man's clock, the poor man's metaphor
- 1419 Another way of looking at the 14th century Plague
- 1530 Medieval masons and the mischief of success
- 1535 The mechanical clock as tactile philosophy
- 1562 Guido da Vigevano uses war as an excuse to invent
- 1823 Inventing zero
- 1913 The medieval invention of the city street
- 2097 Constantine the African bringing Arab medicine to Europe
- 2282 In which the Gokstad Viking ship tells its story
Middle Ages Political,
Social, Economic, Intellectual, Religious
Middle Ages
Middle Ages
Middle Ages
Lesson Plans and Presentations:
Lesson Plans and Presentations:
Lesson Plans and Presentations:
Lesson Plans and Presentations: