European Civilization
Spring 2005

World War I


Complete the questions using any source(s) you wish.

1. Name the countries of each of the two major pre-War alliances. In addition, name the leaders of each country.
Triple Alliance    Triple Entente  
Country Type of Gov’t (Leader) Country  Type of Gov’t (Leader)

2. What weapon did the Germans build that threatened British supremacy on the seas?

3. The following questions pertain to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand:

a. Who killed the Archduke of Austria?__________________
b. Where was the Archduke killed? ___________________
c. What was the name of the terrorist organization that the assassin belonged to? ____________________
d. What city was the Archduke assassinated in?____________________

4. a. Briefly provide the chain of events that led to all out war. (Focus on the posturing and maneuvers of the nations). Start with the following:
After the Archduke was killed, Austria- Hungary……………….

b. Provide a brief capsule of the military capabilities of the six major warring European nations. Consider the following:

• Number of soldiers
• Number of naval vessels
• Amount of steel production in 1914
• Population of each country


Country Total Population Soldiers Naval Vessels  Steel Production

5. Why did the German Social Democrat, Karl Leibknecht, oppose the war? (See Perry pg. 296)

6. Beside the fact that the heir to their throne was assassinated, why did the Austrians react so harshly toward Serbia after the death of Franz Ferdinand?

7. Why do you think most Europeans were delighted at the outbreak of war in 1914?

8. a. Describe World War I warfare?

b. Why did war in 1914 promote this style of war?

9. a. What is meant by the term, “Western Front”?

b. Where, specifically, is the Western Front?

10. a. Why did the British solder and poet, Siegfried Sassoon, criticize the officers of the British army. (See Perry 309)

b. How are these men really the ones responsible for the tremendously high number of casualties?

11. Often, historians have called World War I, “A War of Attrition”.
What does this mean and how did it result in so many casualties?

12. a. What are considered the bloodiest battles on the Western Front? (Three will suffice)

b. Who fought?

c. What were the casualties for each side?

13. a. What year did Russia quit the war?
b. Why did the Russians quit the war?
c. What treaty did the Russians sign with the Germans?
d. What were the terms of the treaty?

14. What new weaponry was introduced during World War I? Name four.

15. a. When did the Germans surrender?
b. Why did the Germans surrender?


16. Name the members of the Big Four and the nation they represented.

Leader Nation

17. a. How did the desires of the victorious European nations differ from the desire of the United States regarding the status of Germany?

b. How did the French Prime Minister defend his position toward post -WWI Germany? (See Perry 317)

18. a. What were five major terms of the Versailles Treaty?

b. How did the French and British humiliate the Germans in the treaty and in the actual signing of the physical treaty?

Complete the following:


Nation Deaths (Military) Missing Total Casualties  
Great Britain        
United States        

19. Why is the generation that fought in World War I, the “Lost Generation”. Consider the ideas of Erich Marie Remarque in the excerpt from his novel, All Quiet on the Western Front. (Perry 328)

Heubeck, Rob. World War I Information Sheet, (2005), World War I [core] Class Information