"Never Such Innocence Again" (Paul Fussell)
  1. Name four technological innovations which transformed warfare during WWI.
  2. What event precipitated the war?
  3. Name the members of the Central Powers.
  4. Name the members of the Grand Alliance.
  5. How long did the combatants believe the war would last in 1914?
  6. What reasons drove young men from England sign up to fight in such numbers?
  7. Why did the fighting bog down?
  8. What is a "war of attrition"?
  9. What were 'funk holes'?
  10. What made the trenches 'lousy'?
  11. How many British soldiers were killed in one morning at the Battle of the Somme? (23,000 died on both sides at Gettysburg)
  12.  Describe three of the factors (besides the imminence of death) which made life miserable for soldiers in the trenches.
  13. Who became the leaders of the anti-war movement in England?
  14. What key event led to the eventual defeat of the Germans?