consciousness of the possession of Race. The man who
belongs to a distinct, pure race, never loses the sense of it…. Race lifts a
man above himself: it endows him with extraordinary-I might almost say supernatural-powers,
so entirely does it distinguish him from the individual who springs from the
chaotic jumble of peoples drawn from all parts of the world: and should this
man of pure origin be perchance gifted above his fellows, then the fact of
Race strengthens and elevates him on every hand, and he becomes a genius
towering over the rest of mankind, not because he has been thrown upon the
earth like a flaming meteor by a freak of nature, but because he soars
heavenward like some strong and stately tree, nourished by thousands and
thousands of roots--no solitary individual, but the living sum of untold
souls striving for the same goal…. […] As far back as our glance can reach, we see human
beings, we see that they differ essentially in their gifts and that some
show more vigorous powers of growth than others. Only one thing can be
asserted without leaving the basis of historical observation: a high state of
excellence is only attained gradually and under particular circumstances, it
is only forced activity that can bring it about; under other circumstances
it may completely degenerate. The struggle which means destruction for the
fundamentally weak race steels the strong; the same struggle, moreover, by
eliminating the weaker elements, tends still further to strengthen the
strong. Around the childhood of great races, as we observe, even in the case
of the metaphysical Indians, the storm of war always rages…. […] Only quite definite, limited mixtures of blood
contribute towards the ennoblement of a race, or, it may be, the origin of a
new one. Here again the clearest and least ambiguous examples are furnished
by animal breeding. The mixture of blood must be strictly limited as regards
time, and it must, in addition, be appropriate; not all and any crossings,
but only definite ones can form the basis of ennoblement. By time-limitation
I mean that the influx of new blood must take place as quickly as possible
and then cease; continual crossing ruins the strongest race. To take an
extreme example, the most famous pack of greyhounds in England was crossed
once only with bulldogs, whereby it gained in courage and endurance, but
further experiments prove that when such a crossing is continued, the
characters of both races disappear and quite characterless mongrels remain
behind…. […] Marius and Sulla had, by murdering the flower of the
genuine Roman youth, dammed the source of noble blood and at the same time,
by the freeing of slaves, brought into the nation perfect floods of African
and Asiatic blood, thus transforming Rome into the cloaca gentium, the trysting-place of all the mongrels of
the world […] Let us attempt a glance into the depths of the soul. What
are the specific intellectual and moral characteristics of this Germanic
race? Certain anthropologists would fain teach us that all races are equally
gifted; we point to history and answer: that is a lie! The races of mankind
are markedly different in the nature and also in the extent of their gifts,
and the Germanic races belong to the most highly gifted group, the group
usually termed Aryan…. The civilisation and culture,
which radiating from Northern Europe, today dominate (though in very varying
degrees) a considerable part of the world, are the work of Teutonism; what is not Teutonic consists either of alien
elements not yet exorcised, which were formerly forcibly introduced and still,
like baneful germs, circulate in the blood, or of alien wares sailing, to the
disadvantage of our work and further development, under the Teutonic flag,
under Teutonic protection and privilege, and they will continue to sail thus,
until we send these pirate ships to the bottom. This work of Teutonism is beyond question the greatest that has
hitherto been accomplished by man…. As the youngest of races, we Teutons could profit by the achievements of former ones;
but this is no proof of a universal progress of humanity, but solely of the
pre-eminent capabilities of a definite human species, capabilities which have
been proved to be gradually weakened by influx of non-Teutonic blood. |