- Between the Wars





Picasso, Guernica detail (1938)

Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (1913)

Beckmann,  Dancing Bar in Baden-Baden 1923

Poster for Der Blaue Engel (The Blue Angel), directed by Josef von Sternberg, 1930.

Grosz, Republican Automotons (1920)

Gaudi, Sagrada Familia (1882-1926)

 Dali, Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War) (1936)

Gropius, Bauhaus (1919-25)

Kandinsky, Composition 8 (1923)

Key Questions




  • Describe the rise of fascism and totalitarianism in Europe following World War I.  Why did people turn to these socio-political systems for answers in the wake of Worlds War I?  What was the appeal of these socio-political systems?
  • Following an era in which Nietzsche declared 'God is Dead', describe the ways in which these socio-political systems filled the void vacated by a conscious withdrawal from traditional religion.
  • How was the utter loss of faith in Western civilization expressed in the art, literature and music of the period?
  • Was there any hope after 'The War to End All Wars'?
  • How was artistic expression used to support and attack fascist, communist, totalitarian and Nazi ideology?
  • To what extent was the situation in Europe more unstable during the inter-war years than in the years leading up to World War I?

 BTW Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual Religious

 BTW Art:

 BTW Literature:

 BTW Music:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:

Primary Sources:












High Modernism:





Fascism/ Nazism































Picasso, The Dance (1925)

Klutsis, The USSR is the crack brigade of the world proletariat (1931)

Nuremberg Rally from Triumph of the Will (1934)

Nazi Nuremberg Rally (1936)

Staluter, Hans. "The Eternal Jew." Poster. 1937. Hoover Institution.

The People's Car
(Volkswagen) (1936)

Speer, The Berlin Dome, "The Empire of Light" (1937)

BTW  Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual Religious

 BTW Art:

 BTW Literature:

 BTW Music:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Secondary Sources:

Between world wars: Psychoanalytic glimmers

corporatism and totalitarian.

Nazi theory













 BTW Political, Social, Economic, Intellectual Religious

 BTW Art:

  BTW Literature:

 BTW Music:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations:

Lesson Plans and Presentations: