(428-347 BC)
idealism, rationalism, dualism, deductive reasoning
Mission: Unite Cosmology and Ethics (Dual Realm)
True Knowledge
(Opinion v. Logic)
Theory of Ideas
(Why no elodiles or crocophants?)
An Immortal Soul
(Innate Knowledge)
of the Cave
The Philosophic King
(Head, Chest, Abdomen)
(384- 322 BCE)
materialism, empiricism, monism, reliance on senses, inductive reasoning
Mission: Classifying the Material World
No Innate Ideas
, Only Sense Experience
Form Within Substance
The Soul
: the program for our bodies
The Final Cause
: God
Nature's Hierarchy
: Plants (appetite), Animals (volition), Humans (reason)
Ethics and Politics:
The Golden Mean
(Cowardice v. Foolhardiness)