Humanities Sophie's World, pp. 28-55 The Natural Philosophers (28-40) Sophie's Questions: 1. Who am I? The Mythological Response (Fate): After the agricultural revolution, seed cultures created
the myth of the Great Mother Goddess to explain the mysterious connection
between life and death. Observing the life cycle of plants and all living
creatures, primitive people had made a connection a between the burial of a seed
and the re-birth of a plant, between sowing and reaping, between fertility
and decomposition. The rituals they performed to enact this mystery grew into
religious practices which originally involved human sacrifice. In Greece the
myth of Demeter and Persephone retells the stories which inspored the ancient fertility rites.
Eventually, these barbaric rituals evolved into the holiest rite in Greek
culture: the
Eleusinian Mysteries. Fate: the belief that the shape, even the events of our lives are fixed and inalterable. (fatalism, predestination) Do you believe in fate? |
Pluto and Proserpine: Bernini, 1621-1622 | Athens, NM 126: Great Eleusinian Relief |
The Philosophical Response: During the 6th c. BC a brand new way of thinking about Sophie's questions emerges. Rather than relying on mythology to understand the world imaginatively, the lover of wisdom (philo + sophia) constructs a theory with rigid logic: philosophy. The natural philosophers all had a similar project. They wanted to explain rationally the natural world and its processes. They invented metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of reality, including questions about being, substance, time and space, causation, change, and identity.(OED) Instead of thinking about how the world was created, the natural philosophers began to really look at the world around them. They were fascinated with the problem of transformation: how could plants come out of the dead earth? How could a substance become a living thing? How does a living thing grow from a tiny seedling or an infant animal grow into an adult capable of sustaining itself and reproducing? To answer these questions using reason, the natural philosphers sought the most basic substance in the universe, the unchanging substance from which everything comes and to which everything returns. They reasoned that identifying that substance would help them explain the laws which govern change in the natural world. Sophie’s Questions: The Problem of Change: Is there a basic substance
that everything else is made of? Why is Lego the most ingenious toy in the world? The Milesian Philosophers (aka Ionian) The notion gradually evolved that there must be a basic substance that was the hidden cause of all changes in nature. There had to be "something" that all things came from and returned to. The first philosopher we know of is Thales, who came from Miletus, a Greek colony in Asia Minor…. Thales thought that the source of all things was water. We do not know exactly what he meant by that, he may have believed that all life originated from water--and that all life returns to water again when it dissolves. (Thales) The next philosopher we hear of is Anaximander, who also lived in Miletus at about the same time as Thales. He thought that our world was only one of a myriad of worlds that evolve and dissolve in something he called the boundless. A third philosopher from Miletus was Anaximenes (c. 570--526 B.C.). He thought that the source of all things must be "air" or "vapor." The Eleatic Philosophers The three Milesian philosophers all believed in the existence of a single
basic substance as the source of all things. But how could one substance
suddenly change into something else? We can call this the problem of change. The most important of these philosophers was Parmenides (c. 540-480 B.C.). Parmenides thought that everything that exists had always existed… Nothing can come out of nothing, And nothing that exists can become nothing. But Parmenides took the idea further. He thought that there was no such thing as actual change. He perceived with his senses that things changed. But he could not equate this with what his reason told him. When forced to choose between relying either on his senses or his reason, he chose reason. This unshakable faith in human reason is called rationalism. A rationalist is someone who believes that human reason is the primary source of our knowledge of the world. A contemporary of Parmenides was Heraclitus
(c. 540-480 B.C.), who was from Ephesus in Asia Minor. He thought that
constant change, or flow, was in fact the most basic characteristic of
nature. "Everything flows,"
said Heraclitus. Everything is in constant flux and movement, nothing is
abiding. Therefore we "cannot step twice into the same river." When
I step into the river for the second time, neither I nor the river are the
same. We could perhaps say that Heraclitus had more faith in what he could
perceive than Parmenides did. That would make him an empiricist who believes that our observations of the world are
our primary source of knowledge. Anaxagoras (500-428 B.C.) was a philosopher from Athens who also could
not agree that one particular basic substance--water, for instance--might be
transformed into everything we see in the natural world. He held that nature
is built up of an infinite number of minute particles invisible to the eye.
Moreover, everything can be divided into even smaller parts, but even in the
minutest parts there are fragments of all other things. As strange as this
idea may seem, it really is true: every cell of the human body carries a
blueprint of the way all the other cells are constructed. So there is
"something of everything" in every single cell. The whole exists in
each tiny part. Today we can establish that Democritus' atom theory was more or less correct. Nature really is built up of different "atoms" that join and separate again. A hydrogen atom in a cell at the end of my nose was once part of an elephant's trunk. A carbon atom in my cardiac muscle was once in the tail of a dinosaur. Democritus did not believe in any "force" or "soul" that could intervene in natural processes. The only things that existed, he believed, were atoms and the void. Since he believed in nothing but material things, we call him a materialist. Democritus believed that the soul was made up of special round, smooth "soul atoms." When a human being died, the soul atoms flew in all directions, and could then become part of a new soul formation.According to Democritus, there is no conscious "design" in the movement of atoms. In nature, everything happens quite mechanically. This does not mean that everything happens randomly, for everything obeys the inevitable laws of necessity. Everything that happens has a natural cause, a cause that is inherent in the thing itself. Metaphysics Quiz: (Sophie 28-55): The Problem of Change metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of reality, including questions about being, substance, time and space, causation, change, and identity. (OED) 1. What did the following philosophers theorize to be the basic substance of the universe? a. Thales: b. Anaximander: c. Anaximenes: 2. How did Parmenides (540-480 BC) explain the problem of how things change? (deductive reasoning; rationalism, pure logic) 3. How did Heraclitus (540-480 BC) solve this problem? (inductive reasoning; empiricism, sense perceptions) 4. What was Heraclitus' conception of God? 5.. How did Empedocles (490-430 BC) resolve the conflict between Parmenides and Heraclitus over transformations in nature? 6. What forces exist, according to Empedocles, which enable these transformations to take place? 7. What was Anaxagoras' (500-428 BC) extremely cool idea about seeds? (Hint: He predicted both genetics and fractals.) 8. How was Anaxagoras also way ahead of his time in his understanding of astronomy? 9. How did Democritus (460-370 BC) resolve the dispute between Parmenides and Heraclitus over transformations in nature in a new way? (Hint: Lego blocks) (atomist, materialist) 10. How did Democritus, a strict materialist, conceive of the soul? E.C. What do scientists today believe is the most basic substance of the universe? E.E.C. Who is Hilde?! |