Since revolutions are complex social and political upheavals,
historians who write about them are bound to differ on the most
basic questions--causes, revolutionary aims, impact on the
society, political outcome, and even the timespan of the
revolution itself. In the case of the Russian Revolution, the
starting-point presents no problem: almost everyone takes it to
be the "February Revolution" of 1917, which led to the
abdication of Nicholas II and the formation of the Provisional
Government. But when did the Russian Revolution end? Was it all
over by October 1917, when the Bolsheviks took power? Or did the
end of the Revolution come with the Bolsheviks' victory in the
Civil War in 1920? Was Stalin's "revolution from
above" part of the Russian Revolution? Or should we take
the view that the Revolution continued throughout the lifetime
of the Soviet state?
In his Anatomy of Revolution, Crane Brinton suggested
that revolutions have a life cycle passing through phases of
increasing fervor and zeal for radical transformation until they
reach a climax of intensity, which is followed by the "Thermidorian"
phase of disillusionment, declining revolutionary energy, and
gradual moves towards the restoration of order and stability.
The Russian Bolsheviks, bearing in mind the same
French-Revolution model that lies at the basis of Brinton's
analysis, feared a Thermidorian degeneration of their own
Revolution, and half suspected that one had occurred at the end
of the Civil War, when economic collapse forced them into the
"strategic retreat" marked by the introduction of the
New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1921.
Yet at the end of the 1920s, Russia plunged into another
upheaval--Stalin's "revolution from above," associated
with the industrialization drive of the First Five-Year Plan,
the collectivization of agriculture, and a "Cultural
Revolution" directed primarily against the old
intelligentsia--whose impact on society was greater even than
that of the February and October Revolutions of 1917 and the
Civil War of 1918-1920. It was only after this upheaval ended in
the early 1930s that signs of a classic Thermidor can be
discerned: the waning of revolutionary fervour and belligerence,
new policies aimed at restoring order and stability, revival of
traditional values and culture, solidification of a new
political and social structure. Yet even this Thermidor was not
quite the end of the revolutionary upheaval. In a final internal
convulsion, even more devastating than earlier surges of
revolutionary terror, the Great Purges of 1937-8 swept away many
of the surviving Old Bolshevik revolutionaries, effected a
wholesale turnover of personnel within the political,
administrative, and military elites, and sent more than a
million people (by latest counts) to their deaths or
imprisonment in Gulag.
In deciding on a timespan for the Russian Revolution, the
first issue is the nature of the "strategic retreat"
of NEP in the 1920s. Was it the end of the Revolution, or
conceived as such? Although the Bolsheviks' avowed intention in
1921 was to use this interlude to gather strength for a later
renewal of the revolutionary assault, there was always the
possibility that intentions would change as revolutionary
passions subsided. Some scholars think that in the last years of
his life, Lenin (who died in 1924) came to believe that for
Russia future progress towards socialism could only be achieved
gradually, with the raising of the cultural level of the
population. Nevertheless, Russian society remained highly
volatile and unstable during the NEP period, and the party's
mood remained aggressive and revolutionary. The Bolsheviks
feared counter-revolution, remained preoccupied with the threat
from "class enemies" at home and abroad, and
constantly expressed their dissatisfaction with NEP and
unwillingness to accept it as the final outcome of the
A second issue that has to be considered is the nature of
Stalin's "revolution from above" that ended NEP in the
late 1920s. Some historians reject the idea that there was any
real continuity between Stalin's revolution and Lenin's. Others
feel that Stalin's "revolution" does not deserve the
name, since they believe it was not a popular uprising but
something more like an assault on the society by a ruling party
aiming at radical transformation. In this book, I trace lines of
continuity between Lenin's revolution and Stalin's. As to the
inclusion of Stalin's "revolution from above" in the
Russian Revolution, this is a question on which historians may
legitimately differ. But the issue here is not whether 1917 and
1929 were alike, but whether they were part of the same process.
Napoleon's revolutionary wars can be included in our general
concept of the French revolution, even if we do not regard them
as an embodiment of the spirit of 1789; and a similar approach
seems legitimate in the case of the Russian Revolution. In
common-sense terms, a revolution is coterminous with the period
of upheaval and instability between the fall of an old regime
and the firm consolidation of a new one. In the late 1920s, the
permanent contours of Russia's new regime had yet to emerge.
The final issue of judgement is whether the Great Purges of
1937-8 should be considered a part of the Russian Revolution.
Was this revolutionary terror, or was it terror of a basically
different type--totalitarian terror, perhaps, meaning a terror
that serves the systemic purposes of a firmly entrenched regime?
In my view, neither of these two characterizations fully
describes the Great Purges. They were a unique phenomenon,
located right on the boundary between revolution and
postrevolutionary Stalinism. This was revolutionary terror in
its rhetoric, targets, and snowballing progress. But it was
totalitarian terror in that it destroyed persons but not
structures, and did not threaten the person of the Leader. The
fact that it was state terror initiated by Stalin does not
disqualify it from being part of the Russian Revolution: after
all, the Jacobin Terror of 1794 can be described in similar
terms. Another important similarity between the two episodes is
that in both cases the primary targets for destruction were
revolutionaries. For dramatic reasons alone, the story of the
Russian Revolution needs the Great Purges, just as the story of
the French revolution needs the Jacobin Terror.
In this book, the timespan of the Russian Revolution runs
from February 1917 to the Great Purges of 1937-8. The different
stages--the February and October Revolutions of 1917, the Civil
War, the interlude of NEP, Stalin's "revolution from
above," its "Thermidorian" aftermath, and the
Great Purges--are treated as discrete episodes in a twenty-year
process of revolution. By the end of that twenty years,
revolutionary energy was thoroughly spent, the society was
exhausted, and even the ruling Communist Party was tired of
upheaval and shared the general longing for a "return to
normalcy." Normalcy, to be sure, was still unattainable,
for German invasion and the beginning of Soviet engagement in
the Second World War came only a few years after the Great
Purges. The war brought further upheaval, but not more
revolution, at least as far as the pre-1939 territories of the
Soviet Union were concerned. It was the beginning of a new,
postrevolutionary era in Soviet history.