Marcus Aurelius
(167 C.E.)
Excerpts from the Original
Electronic Text at the web site of the Internet Classics Archive.
from Book Eight
When thou art troubled about anything, thou hast forgotten this, that all things happen according to the universal
and forgotten this, that a man's wrongful act is nothing to thee; and
further thou hast forgotten this, that everything which happens, always
happened so and will happen so, and now happens so everywhere;
forgotten this too, how close is the kinship between a man and the
whole human race, for it is a community, not of a little blood or seed,
but of intelligence. And thou hast forgotten this too, that every man's
intelligence is a god, and is an efflux of the deity; and forgotten
this, that nothing is a man's own, but that his child and his body and
his very soul came from the deity; forgotten this, that everything is
opinion; and lastly thou hast forgotten that every man lives the
present time only, and loses only this.
from Book Two
BEGIN the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial.
All these things happen to them by reason of their ignorance of what is good and evil.
But I who have seen the nature of the good that it is beautiful, and of
the bad that it is ugly, and the nature of him who does wrong, that it
is akin to me, not only of the same blood or seed, but that it
participates in the same intelligence and the same portion of the
divinity, I can neither be injured by any of them, for no one can fix
on me what is ugly, nor can I be angry with my kinsman, nor hate him,
For we are made for co-operation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids,
like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another then is contrary to nature; and it is acting against one another to be vexed and to turn away.
human life the time is a point, and the substance is in a flux, and the
perception dull, and the composition of the whole body subject to
putrefaction, and the soul a whirl, and fortune hard to divine, and
fame a thing devoid of judgment. And, to say all in a word, everything
which belongs to the body is a stream, and what belongs to the soul is
a dream and vapor, and life is a warfare and a stranger's sojourn, and
after-fame is oblivion. What then is that which is able to conduct a man? One thing and only one, philosophy.
But this consists in keeping the daemon within a man free from violence
and unharmed, superior to pains and pleasures, doing nothing without
purpose, nor yet falsely and with hypocrisy, not feeling the need of
another man's doing or not doing anything; and besides, accepting all
that happens, and all that is allotted, as coming from thence, wherever
it is, from whence he himself came; and, finally, waiting for death
with a cheerful mind, as being nothing else than a dissolution of the
elements of which every living being is compounded. But if there is
no harm to the elements themselves in each continually changing into
another, why should a man have any apprehension about the change and
dissolution of all the elements? For it is according to nature, and
nothing is evil which is according to nature.
how long thou hast been putting off these things, and how often thou
hast received an opportunity from the gods, and yet dost not use it.
Thou must now at last perceive of what universe thou art a part, and of
what administrator of the universe thy existence is an efflux, and that
a limit of time is fixed for thee, which if thou dost not use for
clearing away the clouds from thy mind, it will go and thou wilt go,
and it will never return.
This thou must
always bear in mind, what is the nature of the whole, and what is my
nature, and how this is related to that, and what kind of a part it is
of what kind of a whole; and that there is no one who hinders thee from
always doing and saying the things which are according to the nature of
which thou art a part.
Frequently consider the connection of all things in the universe and their relation to one another.
For in a manner all things are implicated with one another, and all in
this way are friendly to one another; for one thing comes in order
after another, and this is by virtue of the active movement and mutual
conspiration and the unity of the substance.
from Book 12
those things at which thou wishest to arrive by a circuitous road, thou
canst have now, if thou dost not refuse them to thyself. And this
means, if thou wilt take no notice of all the past, and trust the
future to providence, and direct the present only conformably to piety
and justice. Conformably to piety, that thou mayest be content with the lot which
is assigned to thee, for nature designed it for thee and thee for it.
Conformably to justice, that thou mayest always speak the truth
freely and without disguise, and do the things which are agreeable to
law and according to the worth of each. And let neither another man's
wickedness hinder thee, nor opinion nor voice, nor yet the sensations
of the poor flesh which has grown about thee; for the passive part will
look to this. If then, whatever the time may be when thou shalt be near
to thy departure, neglecting everything else thou shalt respect only
thy ruling faculty and the divinity within thee, and if thou shalt be afraid not because thou must some time
cease to live, but if thou shalt fear never to have begun to live
according to nature- then thou wilt be a man worthy of the universe
which has produced thee, and thou wilt cease to be a stranger in thy native
land, and to wonder at things which happen daily as if they were
something unexpected, and to be dependent on this or that.
from Book Two
Whatever this is that I am, it is a little flesh and breath, and the ruling part.
Throw away thy books; no longer distract thyself: it is not allowed;
but as if thou wast now dying, despise the flesh; it is blood and bones
and a network, a contexture of nerves, veins, and arteries. See the
breath also, what kind of a thing it is, air, and not always the same,
but every moment sent out and again sucked in. The third then is the
ruling part: consider thus: Thou art an old man; no longer let this be
a slave, no longer be pulled by the strings like a puppet to unsocial
movements, no longer either be dissatisfied with thy present lot, or
shrink from the future.
All that is from the gods is full of Providence.
That which is from fortune is not separated from nature or without an
interweaving and involution with the things which are ordered by
Providence. From thence all things flow; and there is besides necessity, and that which is for the advantage of the whole universe, of which thou art a part.
But that is good for every part of nature which the nature of the whole
brings, and what serves to maintain this nature. Now the universe is
preserved, as by the changes of the elements so by the changes of
things compounded of the elements. Let these principles be enough for
thee, let them always be fixed opinions. But cast away the thirst after
books, that thou mayest not die murmuring, but cheerfully, truly, and
from thy heart thankful to the gods.
moment think steadily as a Roman and a man to do what thou hast in hand
with perfect and simple dignity, and feeling of affection, and freedom,
and justice; and to give thyself relief from all other thoughts. And thou wilt give thyself relief, if thou doest every act of thy life as if it were the last,
laying aside all carelessness and passionate aversion from the commands
of reason, and all hypocrisy, and self-love, and discontent with the
portion which has been given to thee. Thou seest how few the things
are, the which if a man lays hold of, he is able to live a life which
flows in quiet, and is like the existence of the gods; for the gods on
their part will require nothing more from him who observes these
Do wrong to thyself, do wrong to
thyself, my soul; but thou wilt no longer have the opportunity of
honoring thyself. Every man's life is sufficient. But thine is nearly
finished, though thy soul reverences not itself but places thy felicity
in the souls of others.
Do the things external which fall upon thee distract thee? Give thyself
time to learn something new and good, and cease to be whirled around.
But then thou must also avoid being carried about the other way. For
those too are triflers who have wearied themselves in life by their
activity, and yet have no object to which to direct every movement,
and, in a word, all their thoughts.
Through not observing what is in the mind of another a man has seldom
been seen to be unhappy; but those who do not observe the movements of
their own minds must of necessity be unhappy.
Theophrastus, in his comparison of bad acts- such a comparison as one
would make in accordance with the common notions of mankind- says, like
a true philosopher, that the offences which are committed through desire are more blameable than those which are committed through
For he who is excited by anger seems to turn away from reason with a
certain pain and unconscious contraction; but he who offends through
desire, being overpowered by pleasure, seems to be in a manner more
intemperate and more womanish in his offences. Rightly then, and in a
way worthy of philosophy, he said that the offence which is committed
with pleasure is more blameable than that which is committed with pain;
and on the whole the one is more like a person who has been first
wronged and through pain is compelled to be angry; but the other is
moved by his own impulse to do wrong, being carried towards doing
something by desire.
Since it is possible that thou mayest depart from life this very moment, regulate every act and thought accordingly.
But to go away from among men, if there are gods, is not a thing to be
afraid of, for the gods will not involve thee in evil; but if indeed
they do not exist, or if they have no concern about human affairs, what
is it to me to live in a universe devoid of gods or devoid of
Providence? But in truth they do exist, and they do care for human
things, and they have put all the means in man's power to enable him
not to fall into real evils. And as to the rest, if there was anything
evil, they would have provided for this also, that it should be
altogether in a man's power not to fall into it. Now that which does
not make a man worse, how can it make a man's life worse? But neither
through ignorance, nor having the knowledge, but not the power to guard
against or correct these things, is it possible that the nature of the
universe has overlooked them; nor is it possible that it has made so
great a mistake, either through want of power or want of skill, that
good and evil should happen indiscriminately to the good and the bad.
But death certainly, and life, honor and dishonor, pain and pleasure,
all these things equally happen to good men and bad, being things which
make us neither better nor worse. Therefore they are neither good nor
How quickly all things disappear, in the universe the bodies themselves, but in time the remembrance of them;
what is the nature of all sensible things, and particularly those which
attract with the bait of pleasure or terrify by pain, or are noised
abroad by vapory fame; how worthless, and contemptible, and sordid, and
perishable, and dead they are- all this it is the part of the
intellectual faculty to observe. To observe too who these are whose
opinions and voices give reputation; what death is, and the fact that, if a man looks at it in
itself, and by the abstractive power of reflection resolves into their
parts all the things which present themselves to the imagination in it,
he will then consider it to be nothing else than an operation of nature;
and if any one is afraid of an operation of nature, he is a child.
This, however, is not only an operation of nature, but it is also a
thing which conduces to the purposes of nature. To observe too how man
comes near to the deity, and by what part of him, and when this part of
man is so disposed.
Though thou
shouldst be going to live three thousand years, and as many times ten
thousand years, still remember that no man loses any other life than
this which he now lives, nor lives any other than this which he now
loses. The longest and shortest are thus brought to the same. For
the present is the same to all, though that which perishes is not the
same; and so that which is lost appears to be a mere moment. For a man
cannot lose either the past or the future: for what a man has not, how
can any one take this from him? These two things then thou must bear in
mind; the one, that all things from eternity are of like forms and come
round in a circle, and that it makes no difference whether a man shall
see the same things during a hundred years or two hundred, or an
infinite time; and the second, that the longest liver and he who will
die soonest lose just the same. For the present is the only thing of
which a man can be deprived, if it is true that this is the only thing
which he has, and that a man cannot lose a thing if he has it not.
The soul of man does violence to itself,
first of all, when it becomes an abscess and, as it were, a tumor on
the universe, so far as it can. For to be vexed at anything which
happens is a separation of ourselves from nature, in some part of which
the natures of all other things are contained. In the next place, the
soul does violence to itself when it turns away from any man, or even
moves towards him with the intention of injuring, such as are the souls
of those who are angry. In the third place, the soul does violence to
itself when it is overpowered by pleasure or by pain. Fourthly, when it
plays a part, and does or says anything insincerely and untruly.
Fifthly, when it allows any act of its own and any movement to be
without an aim, and does anything thoughtlessly and without considering
what it is, it being right that even the smallest things be done with
reference to an end; and the end of rational animals is to follow the
reason and the law of the most ancient city and polity.
from Book Six
THE substance of the universe is obedient and compliant; and the reason
which governs it has in itself no cause for doing evil, for it has no
malice, nor does it do evil to anything, nor is anything harmed by it.
But all things are made and perfected according to this reason.
Let it make no difference to thee whether thou art cold or warm, if thou art doing thy duty;
and whether thou art drowsy or satisfied with sleep; and whether
ill-spoken of or praised; and whether dying or doing something else.
For it is one of the acts of life, this act by which we die: it is
sufficient then in this act also to do well what we have in hand.
Look within. Let neither the peculiar quality of anything nor its value escape thee.
All existing things soon change, and they will either be reduced to
vapor, if indeed all substance is one, or they will be dispersed.
The reason which governs knows what its own disposition is, and what it does, and on what material it works.
The best way of avenging thyself is not to become like the wrong doer.
Take pleasure in one thing and rest in it, in passing from one social act to another social act, thinking of God.
The ruling principle is that which rouses and turns itself, and while
it makes itself such as it is and such as it wills to be, it also makes
everything which happens appear to itself to be such as it wills.
In conformity to the nature of the universe every single thing is
accomplished, for certainly it is not in conformity to any other nature
that each thing is accomplished, either a nature which externally
comprehends this, or a nature which is comprehended within this nature,
or a nature external and independent of this.
universe is either a confusion, and a mutual involution of things, and
a dispersion; or it is unity and order and providence. If then it
is the former, why do I desire to tarry in a fortuitous combination of
things and such a disorder? And why do I care about anything else than
how I shall at last become earth? And why am I disturbed, for the
dispersion of my elements will happen whatever I do. But if the other
supposition is true, I venerate, and I am firm, and I trust in him who
governs. . . .
Adapt thyself to the
things with which thy lot has been cast: and the men among whom thou
hast received thy portion, love them, but do it truly, sincerely.
Every instrument, tool, vessel, if it does that for which it has been
made, is well, and yet he who made it is not there. But in the things which are held together by nature there is within and there abides in them the power which made
wherefore the more is it fit to reverence this power, and to think,
that, if thou dost live and act according to its will, everything in
thee is in conformity to intelligence. And thus also in the universe
the things which belong to it are in conformity to intelligence.
Whatever of the things which are not within thy power thou shalt
suppose to be good for thee or evil, it must of necessity be that, if
such a bad thing befall thee or the loss of such a good thing, thou
wilt blame the gods, and hate men too, those who are the cause of the
misfortune or the loss, or those who are suspected of being likely to
be the cause; and indeed we do much injustice, because we make a
difference between these things. But if we judge only those things
which are in our power to be good or bad, there remains no reason
either for finding fault with God or standing in a hostile attitude to
We are all working together to one end, some with knowledge and design, and others without knowing what they
as men also when they are asleep, of whom it is Heraclitus, I think,
who says that they are laborers and co-operators in the things which
take place in the universe. But men co-operate after different
fashions: and even those co-operate abundantly, who find fault with
what happens and those who try to oppose it and to hinder it; for the
universe had need even of such men as these. It remains then for thee
to understand among what kind of workmen thou placest thyself; for he
who rules all things will certainly make a right use of thee, and he
will receive thee among some part of the co-operators and of those
whose labors conduce to one end. But be not thou such a part as the
mean and ridiculous verse in the play, which Chrysippus speaks of.
Does the sun undertake to do the work of the rain, or
the work of the Fruit-bearer (the earth)? And how is it with respect to
each of the stars, are they not different and yet they work together to
the same end?
from Book Twelve
God sees the minds (ruling principles) of all men bared of the material
vesture and rind and impurities. For with his intellectual part alone
he touches the intelligence only which has flowed and been derived from
himself into these bodies. And if thou also usest thyself to do this,
thou wilt rid thyself of thy much trouble. For he who regards not the
poor flesh which envelops him, surely will not trouble himself by
looking after raiment and dwelling and fame and such like externals and
things are three of which thou art composed, a little body, a little
breath (life), intelligence. Of these the first two are thine, so far
as it is thy duty to take care of them; but the third alone is properly
All round, and in its joyous rest reposing; and
if thou shalt strive to live only what is really thy life, that is, the
present- then thou wilt be able to pass that portion of life which
remains for thee up to the time of thy death, free from perturbations,
nobly, and obedient to thy own daemon (to the god that is within thee). . . .
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