Nineteenth Century Ideologies Quiz
What argument would conservatives use
to criticize liberal governments (like ours) which are based on constitutions that
protect the natural rights of the citizen? 3. Why does the classical liberal believe that the invisible hand, not government, should regulate economic policy? 4.
What is popular sovereignty, and why did deToqueville believe that it was
inherently dangerous to liberty? 5. According to Malthus, why is poverty ineradicable?
6. Explain the principle of utility in Jeremy Bentham’s conception
of social justice.
7. Why did socialists believe that both the classical liberal’s belief in individual freedom and the radical liberal’s belief in reform would fail to have any impact on the problems of industrial society?
enlightenment principle is socialism founded upon?
9. How did the socialists plan to reorganize society?
reforms did Owen encourage factory owners to make voluntarily? |