European Humanities
Fall 2018
Mr. Spragins


Portrait of Myself as a Writer


Describe yourself as a writer. Tell me what you will need to do this year to develop into a student capable of writing college level essays. Think about the following questions before writing your essay, but organize this essay around ONE MAIN GOAL.


Do you understand basic essay form?

  • Do you devise good thesis statements?
  • Are your paragraphs organized around strong topic sentences which are directly related to your thesis?
  • Do you cite specific evidence from the text to support your argument? 
  • Do you quote the text often in support of your argument?



Think also about the clarity of your writing, your grammar and usage.

  • Do you know how to punctuate properly?
  • Do you revise your writing to improve the clarity of your ideas?
  • Do you know how to cite the text using proper MLA format?
  • What kinds of comments have teachers used to describe your writing in the past?


Do you enjoy creative writing? 

  • Have you ever kept a journal? 
  • What type of creative writing do you enjoy most: poetry, short stories or plays?


Our goal is to have you writing college level essays by the end of the first semester. 

  • What will you need to do in order to meet this overall goal? 
  • (Take this question seriously because we will be evaluating you this semester based on these criteria.)