Copyright Guilford Publications,
Inc. Fall 1997
John Willoughby's essay, "Evaluating the Leninist Theory
of Imperialism" ( 1995), is the latest in a long series of
unfriendly critiques of that theory by academic Marxists who
are hostile to the modern theories which mainly descend from
Lenin's theory of imperialism. The critical procedure has by
now become routinized. First: just one of Lenin's many
writings on imperialism is discussed, this being his
pamphlet Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism (
1916a), an important work but one which discusses only the
economic part of the theory, and which, significantly, bears
the subtitle, "A Popular Outline." Second: the claim is made
(or implied) that this economic part is the whole theory,
and everything else - politics, geopolitics, society,
culture, etc. - is irrelevant, except as a deduction from
the theory, or as a form of practice somehow sanctioned by
the theory. Third: Lenin's argument in Imperialism, The
Highest Stage of Capitalism is shown to be heavily dependent
on earlier writings on the economics of imperialism by
Hobson, Hilferding, and others, and Lenin's work is
therefore judged to be rather unoriginal and
(intellectually, at least) unimportant. Finally: it is shown
that the economic theory presented in the Imperialism
pamphlet does not prove, as Lenin supposedly thought it did,
that imperialism is the final, catastrophic stage of
capitalism and will lead to socialist revolution.
Capitalism, these academic Marxists assure us; has passed
beyond the stage of bellicose imperialism and is now a
relatively peaceful system, still somewhat progressive,
though of course imperfect.
Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism is not the
best place to begin an analysis of Lenin's theory. Or, if we
do start here, we should read the preface very carefully.
The work was written in 1916 and published only after the
fall of the tsarist government in early 1917. In the preface
Lenin says:
This pamphlet was written with an eye to the tsarist
censorship. Hence, I was not only forced to confine myself
strictly to an exclusively theoretical, specifically
economic analysis of facts, but to formulate the few
necessary observations on politics with extreme caution, by
hints... . It is painful, in these days of liberty, to
reread the passages of the pamphlet which have been
distorted, cramped, compressed in an iron vice on account of
the censor. That the period of imperialism is the eve of the
socialist revolution; that social chauvinism. . . is the
utter betrayal of socialism; that [the] split in the
working-class movement is bound up with the objective
conditions of imperialism, etc. - on these matters I had to
speak in a slavish tongue, and I must refer the reader who
is interested in the subject to the articles I wrote abroad
in 1914-17. (1916a, 18, emphasis added.)
These articles are not often referred to, much less
analyzed. Willoughby mentions none of them in his S&S essay.
The only work which he evaluates is the Imperialism
pamphlet. He is hardly alone in this practice; see, for
instance, Arrighi, 1978; Barone, 1985; Brewer, 1980; Warren,
1980; Weeks, 1983. As a result, Willoughby (like these other
scholars) attributes to Lenin a theory of imperialism that
is not Lenin's and is in some ways antithetical to Lenin's;
a theory that is economistic, Eurocentric, unoriginal, and
Lenin developed his theory of imperialism mainly in 1915
and 1916, when he was in exile in Switzerland. This was a
time of profound crisis for socialists. Lenin and other
revolutionaries were trying to prevent socialists from
supporting a war in which workers killed other workers on
behalf of capitalism. Most socialist leaders and parties
were succumbing to national chauvinism, and were trying to
justify their position by appeals to Marxist theory,
including arguments about a new stage of capitalism
developed by Hilferding, Kautsky, and other theoreticians,
arguments that seemed to suggest the likelihood of a quick
and fair peace and a future in which capitalism would
peacefully develop into socialism. The core of these
arguments was the economistic thesis that, since capitalism
as an economic system "has become fully international," "has
transcended the bounds of the national state" (much-used
expressions at the time), wars between states are no longer
functional for capitalism. Lenin set out to demonstrate that
this thesis was false. At the same time, Lenin had to
counter a strangely similar argument that was being
propounded by some revolutionaries, including Bukharin:
Since capitalism has become fully international as an
economic system, has transcended the bounds of the national
state, merely national issues are no longer important, and
revolutionaries should discard the "minimum program" of
struggles for democracy and self-determination within the
capitalist state. Lenin (1916b, 18) described this as
"imperialist economism": economism of a type that is
peculiar to the imperialist epoch. ("The same old
fundamental mistake of the same old Economism: inability to
pose political questions.")
The essential argument against the first of these two
contrasting economistic positions is given in Lenin's essays
"The Collapse of the Second International" (1915a),
"Socialism and War" (1915b), and "Imperialism and the Split
in Socialism" (1916d). His argument against the second is
developed most fully in "The Nascent Trend of Imperialist
Economism" (1916b), "A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist
Economism" (1916c), and "The Discussion on
Self-Determination Summed Up" (1916e). These articles,
together with Imperialism, present a coherent theory of
capitalist society, and the capitalist world, in the era
dominated - politically and socially as well as economically
- by monopoly capitalism. But this theory grew out of
earlier theoretical work by Lenin, and later, after the
revolution, was modified in significant ways into what can
be thought of as Lenin's mature theory of imperialism. It is
best, I think, to examine the theory-building process as a
Lenin's earliest writings displayed a strongly
diffusionist view of social evolution, a view that was held
in common by all Marxists in that period and was a legacy
from classical Marxism (see Blaut, 1987a; 1987b; 1989; 1993;
1994). At the center of the world system, capitalism had
matured, and the conditions for its transformation into
socialism were ripening. In the periphery, capitalism was
advancing outward, effectuating the bourgeois revolution as
it proceeded. Most Marxists viewed this as a smooth outward
flow of basically economic forces (Bernstein, 1961; Bauer,
1907; Luxemburg, 1907-1908). Most of them (though not
Bernstein) deplored colonialism, but they rejected the idea
that state formation in the periphery would be important
enough to perturb the essentially steady diffusion of a
centerdominated capitalism that was becoming fully
Lenin's book The Development of Capitalism in Russia
(1899) is routinely cited as the classic description of this
diffusion process, but this is a serious error. In The
Development of Capitalism in Russia Lenin was describing a
diffusion process within a state, a process of uneven
economic development across a politically undifferentiated
landscape, quite unlike a landscape of multiple states on
which political boundaries and social forces modify,
obstruct, and redirect economic flows (a process not
reducible to "uneven development"). In various writings
between 1903 and 1914, Lenin developed a strikingly
different theory of economic and political tendencies at the
world scale; this was the germ of his theory of imperialism.
The spread of capitalism ignites bourgeois-national
movements, producing a tendency toward the proliferation of
independent national states. While these movements are
primarily anti-feudal, they are also struggles against
colonialism and semi-colonialism, hence counters to the
spreading power and the accumulation strategy of
metropolitan capitalism. Marxists who disagreed with Lenin
argued the economistic, diffusionist position: against an
inexorably expanding metropolitan-capitalist dominance,
national movements generally are nonviable and
unprogressive, and the "law of concentration" - that
economies grow larger as capitalism matures - implies that
states and their empires also will grow larger, moving
toward the future worldwide socialist state. Lenin at first
replied that Russia ("the prison-house of nations") was an
exception to these tendencies, but he moved to the view that
many national movements were likely to win out in all parts
of the world except the advanced capitalist states and thus
were a significant force in the struggle against world
capitalism, which thereby becomes not merely an in situ
struggle between classes but one in which peripheral
bourgeois states confront the advanced capitalist states.
And he came to reject the idea that big states are
progressive: "Everyone would laugh . . . if, parallel with
the law that small-scale production is ousted by large-scale
production, there were presented another 'law' . . . of
small states being ousted by big ones" (Lenin 1916c, 49-50).
The notion that a qualitatively new stage of capitalism has
arrived is still largely implicit in Lenin's writings before
the beginning of the World War (but see Lenin, 1895-1896,
109; 1907, 75-81; 1908, 192). This is not yet a theory of
imperialism but it contains most of the elements for such a
Some time around October 1915, Lenin developed the
central propositions of his theory (see Lenin, 1915c,
735-743). Monopoly capitalism no longer can survive without
continuously increasing investment and exploitation of labor
in colonies and other peripheral regions. This enables it to
resolve, temporarily, the contradictions at the center,
because very high returns, "superprofits," are obtained
under colonial and semi-colonial political regimes which
enforce low wages and suppress local competition. (Note here
the intertwining of politics and economics.) These
superprofits not only maintain the rate of return on
investment overall, but they provide a fund with which the
upper stratum of the working class can be "bribed" into
quiescence, thus holding back the development of economic
and political struggles against capitalism at home. But all
of this merely set the stage for the great crisis of
monopoly capitalism: the World War. The world is finite in
extent, and the "partitioning" of the peripheral regions
into colonies and semi-colonies has been completed. This
means that the imperialist countries no longer can expand
their territories for superexploitation and superprofits
unless they make war on one another in order to
"repartition" these territories - steal away one another's
colonies and spheres of domination. This, said Lenin
(1915a), made a World War inevitable and indeed was the
primary cause of the war. Why did the workers agree to fight
in the war? One reason was ideological obfuscation, which
Lenin blamed partly on the working-class leadership, now
bribed, submissive, and dutifully chauvinist. But Lenin
argued that, in addition to the bribes to the labor
aristocracy, enough "crumbs" from imperialist superprofits
were passed to the broad working class to gain its temporary
support for the war (1916c; 1916d). The root cause was
monopoly capitalism, but Lenin viewed this as a political
and social as well as economic system in the advanced
capitalist countries. At the world scale it was imperialism.
This analysis led Lenin to argue that the most important
feature of world-scale imperialism - "the essence of
imperialism" - is the division of the world into "oppressor"
and "oppressed" countries, the former being the imperialist
powers, the latter including all of the colonial and
semi-colonial periphery as well as many small countries in
Europe (Lenin, 1915d, 409). This seems to be the origin of
the core-periphery model that underlies modern theories of
underdevelopment, dependency, and imperialism, both Marxist
and non-Marxist. It stands in direct opposition to the
diffusionist model, or rather it posits that, in the era of
monopoly capitalism or imperialism, the primary force no
longer is the world-scale diffusion of capitalism (though
this continues in various ways) but rather the fixing in
place of a two-sector world, a world divided into oppressor
and oppressed regions. Lenin did not belittle the
significance of working-class struggles in the oppressor or
imperialist countries, and he did not at this time question
the principle that the workers of the advanced countries
would lead the world revolution. He did argue, as (I
believe) no Marxist before him had argued, that workers and
peasants in the oppressed countries were an essential part
of the struggle against world capitalism. And that struggle
now assumed a somewhat new form. The period before
imperialism had seemed to be a relatively peaceful time, as
capitalism "rose" and then "matured" into a world system.
But capitalism had not "matured," said Lenin: it had become
imperialist. This new era was one in which political
struggles were becoming more intense, not less intense. The
old view that nationalism declines as capitalism matures
into an international system turns out to be erroneous.
Nationalism and national struggles increase in the era of
imperialism. The oppressor countries fight one another in
efforts to annex more territories, and they impose ever
harsher oppression in the peripheral countries in efforts to
increase or maintain the flow of the needed superprofits:
"Imperialism is the era of the oppression of nations on a
new historical basis" (Lenin, 1915c, 739). In the oppressed
countries; there is great intensification of the struggle
for liberation(see Blaut, 1982; 1987b).
Theory-building continued after the Bolshevik revolution.
In 1919, Lenin argued against the view that imperialism has
completed the differentiation of social classes; that
national and other democratic struggles within the state are
therefore now purely bourgeois and reactionary, of no
interest to the proletariat. Even in the imperialist
countries, he said, social differentiation is far from
complete, and so these struggles remain progressive and
important. Even in post-revolutionary Russia,
self-determination and other democratic rights must still be
upheld. Because imperialism is a superstructure on
capitalism, the defeat of the one does not automatically
eliminate the other, and therefore popular struggles of the
former era are now part of the socialist revolution (Lenin,
1919, 168).
Two additional propositions remained to be added to the
theory. At the Second Congress of the Communist
International, in 1920, Lenin interacted with
revolutionaries from colonial and semi-colonial countries,
and as a result (I believe) of this interaction he came to
the conclusion that struggles in the peripheral sector are
no less essential and no less important for the world
revolution than are struggles within the imperialist
countries (see Adhikari, 1971, 156-205). Later, as he
contemplated the sad state of the working-class movement in
Western Europe and the resilience of monopoly capitalism, he
went so far as to speculate that the periphery might play a
greater role than the center in the world revolution, simply
because so many more oppressed people lived in the colonial
and semi-colonial world than in Europe (Lenin, 1923, 500).
Here we have a theoretical proposition within the Leninist
theory of imperialism - the significance of anti-colonial
and other struggles in the periphery- that has been very
influential in Third World liberation movements, Marxist and
Lenin's theory posits that imperialism is the final stage
of capitalism, and that, unlike the prior era of competitive
capitalism, it will be an era of turmoil. But Lenin's views
on this matter of prognostication are often misunderstood,
partly because so many of his statements are hortatory or
polemical, exaggerating this or that argument in ways
appropriate to the context but confusing when read many
years later. During the World War Lenin predicted a long
period of intermittent wars, including a second World War.
Toward the end of his life he speculated that capitalism
might actually survive for another 50 years. In opposing
Kautsky's theory of "ultra-imperialism," the view that rival
powers might eventually settle their differences and begin a
peaceful era of collective exploitation across the entire
world - a view that Lenin argued against vehemently, mainly
because it implied that acquiescence in chauvinism in the
short run might be rewarded with lasting peace in the long
run - Lenin did not insist that peaceful capitalism was an
impossibility; rather, this was highly unlikely as a
permanent condition and was in any case a matter concerning
the distant future, with no relevance to the present
struggle (Lenin, 1915d). Thus the theory of imperialism did
not, as some think, predict a quick downfall of capitalism.
It predicted an entire epoch of strikes, wars, revolts, and
other such tumultuous happenings, followed sooner or later
by socialism. Note that this previsions a second World War,
a great depression, the rise and fall of fascism, the
Chinese revolution, the Korean War, the two Vietnam wars,
the other wars of liberation, the"police actions," the
bloody civil wars fomented and assisted by imperial powers,
the massacres carried out by neocolonial elites in defense
of local and multinational capitalism, etc. Lenin's
prediction that the period of imperialism would be a period
of turmoil appears to be holding up well.
John Willoughby describes the Leninist theory of
imperialism, then asserts that the theory has no relevance
today. But it has no relevance today because it leads us to
view the present-day world, and the future, in a way that
Willoughby dislikes. Lenin's theory, he says, fails to
stress "the progressive features of . . . `modernization"'
(Willoughby, 1995, 329). It is "not true that global capital
accumulation must coerce the Third World into a position of
permanent economic backwardness" (331), and there is no
"inevitable necessity of the North-South divide" (332).
Protectionism and "opposition to the continued globalization
of the world economy," such as Ross Perot's "attempt to halt
trade agreements" - meaning NAFTA- are ill-considered. And
apparently there will be no "ultimate breakdown of liberal
capitalism" (332). Willoughby believes that capitalism, now
fully international, is still quite progressive and free
trade is diffusing its fruits to the Third World. Someone
who holds such views cannot possibly consider Lenin's theory
to be of any relevance today, however it may be described.
And Willoughby's description is a caricature. Remember that
it is based exclusively on Imperalism, The Highest Stage of
Capitalism (plus a passing reference to two 1920 articles).
I will take up Willoughby's major assertions one by one.
1. Willoughby quotes Lenin's statement in Imperialism
that, "if it were necessary to give the briefest possible
definition of imperialism, we should have to say that
imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism" (323).
Willoughby comments on this "famous" statement as follows:
To suggest that imperialism is a stage of capitalism
obviously implies that eliminating imperialism requires the
elimination of capitalism, since imperialism is capitalism.
But this verbal sleight of hand can inhibit a study of the
connection between two distinct social institutions: a mode
of production. . . and a system of political domination....
Perhaps imperialism grows out of "monopoly capitalism," but
this should [not] be treated as . . . an axiomatic statement
which must be true." (324.)
Here the "verbal sleight of hand" is Willoughby's, not
Lenin's. In this essay, Lenin (with an eye to the censor)
was trying to make the point that political imperialism is
inherent in monopoly capitalism. The word "imperialism" at
that time was on everyone's lips as a term meaning colonial
expansionism, military annexations, the enemy's
"imperialism" (as against our "defense of the fatherland"),
etc. If such policies and actions were indeed inherent in
monopoly capitalism - which Lenin saw as a total social
system, notjust a "mode of production" - then it would be
perfectly proper, and politically helpful, to use the word
"imperialism" as a synonym for "monopoly capitalism": a
matter of usage, not axioms. (In fact Lenin also used the
word in the other, more common ways.) Another verbal sleight
of hand: if "imperialism is a stage of capitalism" then
"imperialism is capitalism" and "eliminating imperialism
requires the elimination of capitalism." As we saw, Lenin
viewed imperialism as a superstructure on capitalism and
expected the latter to persist after monopoly capitalism had
collapsed; also, he advocated some alliances with the
bourgeoisie of oppressed nations, introduced the New
Economic Policy in Russia, etc. Willoughby wants to argue
that imperialistic politics no longer characterize
capitalism; but instead of saying that Lenin's theory
predicts otherwise, he caricatures the theory and ridicules
it as "verbal sleight of hand."
2. Willoughby argues that Lenin's theory is little more
than "a succinct, synthetic popularization of the newly
developed Marxian theory of imperialism" (322). The main
author of the latter theory, he says, was Hilferding, whose
Finance Capital became "the consensus statement for most of
the high priests of Marxism's `golden age"'" (324). The
principal error here comes from the fact that Willoughby
reads Lenin only from the Imperialism pamphlet. As we noted
above, this work was indeed a popularization, and was "a
specifically economic analysis." Much of this economic
analysis did indeed come from Hilferding, Hobson, and
(prewar) Kautsky. But the originality, and importance, of
Lenin's work stems mostly from the fact that it gave a
comprehensive analysis of imperialism as a total social
3. Willoughby reads Lenin's theory from the Imperialism
pamphlet, then attacks the theory as "reductionist"-as
explaining everything in terms of economics. Well, economics
is the topic of the pamphlet. Recall Lenin's preface: .. . .
forced to confine myself strictly to an . . . economic
analysis . . to formulate the few necessary observations on
politics with extreme caution.... I must refer the reader...
to the articles I wrote abroad..." Willoughby, who does not
refer to these articles, interprets "the few necessary
observations on politics" as deductions from the theory:
"Every [Leninist] argument about imperial politics rests on
an economic law. The link between economic tendencies and
political outcome is unproblematic" (325). The illogic here
is self-evident. You look only at the economic part of a
complex social theory, then you attack the whole theory for
reducing everything to economics. Ironically, Willoughby's
argument is itself redolent of economic reductionism. To
modern economists, economic theory tends to focus on money,
value, etc. To Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg, Trotsky,
Bukharin, et al., economics meant "economic base,"
comprising environment, resources, tools, labor, social
relations of production, class struggle, and more; even
politics and ideology crept in. Willoughby appeals to
economics of the narrower sort rather more than Lenin does.
4. Willoughby, however, makes one argument about economic
reductionism that has substance, though not validity. He
asserts (unoriginally) that the state is partially
autonomous, and accuses, notjust Lenin but "the early
Marxian tradition" in general, of "inability . . . to
account theoretically for the autonomous coercive power of
the state" (334). They reduce everything to economics. He
does not argue, as many Marxists today do, that the
capitalist state (in its various forms) is mostly responsive
to the needs and demands of ruling classes though many other
social and cultural forces are at work. He suggests that
capitalism has only a limited relation to political power,
citing the importance of state officials' interests,
domestic political sentiments, the global balance of power,
even personality, as major factors helping to explain
politics. He may or may not be right, but this argument
strays very far from the traditions of Marxism, Leninist and
non-Leninist First, Marxists assert only one determinism,
which is normative, not economic: capitalism must give way
either to socialism or to barbarism. Second, Marxists argue
that the economic base, broadly defined (to include, for
instance, class struggle and therefore the ideas and acts of
people), is more important as a causal force in history than
is any other major part of culture. If Willoughby denies
these propositions, which he may or may not be doing - I
cannot tell from this text or his earlier study (Willoughby,
1986) - then he is offering not a form of Marxism but an
alternative to Marxism.
Marx and Engels were diffusionists. They believed, as did
every thinker of their time, that capitalism and modernity
were spreading out over the world. But unlike mainstream
thinkers, they believed that this was the spread of a
plague, not a blessing, and that capitalism was under siege
at the center: the proletariat would overthrow it in Europe,
then would march, victorious, to the gates of Peking and
beyond, spreading socialism across the world. Socialist
theorists of the Second International saw things somewhat
differently. Either before the World War (Bernstein) or
later (Kautsky, Hilferding, Bauer), they came to believe,
not only that capitalism is maturing into a fully
international system (etc.), is diffusing progress and
civilization to the periphery, but that capitalism at the
center is not under siege: with the help of the proletariat
(acting through the socialist parties in power, trade
unions, Fabian societies, academic Marxists), capitalism was
gradually ascending toward socialism. This is a classically
diffusionist belief: progress at the center, diffusion of
progress to the periphery.
Lenin did not share these views. His theory of
imperialism was an alter native, non-diffusionist model of
the world. It was uniformitarian (Blaut, 1993) in the sense
that it ascribed revolutionary activism to the people of the
periphery as well as the center. The exploiters in the
center were now confronting the exploited masses in the
periphery as well as in their own countries. The world as a
whole was now divided into two sectors, the
monopoly-capitalist countries and the oppressed countries.
Capitalism could only survive at the center, maintaining
profit levels and pacifying the workers with minimally
acceptable wages, working conditions,job security, and
living conditions, by intensifying the exploitation of
workers in the periphery, even translocating masses of
workers from the periphery to the center with its
sweatshops, ghettos, secondary labor markets (Lenin, 1917,
168). This theory was the first strong challenge to the
Eurocentric world models which dominated European thought,
Marxist and non-Marxist, in the early years of the 20th
Willoughby believes that capitalism is progressive, the
Third World is developing, and imperialism no longer really
exists. Thus he takes his stand with other diffusionist
Marxists, like Brenner (1977), Brewer (1980), and Warren
(1980); and with many non-Marxist supporters of liberal
capitalism, NAFTA, and the New World Order. Of course, we do
not have to stand with Willoughby or with Lenin: there are
alternative views. We choose for ourselves.
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[Author Affiliation] |
Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois at
Chicago |
1007 West Harrison Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7139 |