Extent of Colonialism


**** Great Britain France Belgium Netherlands Germany (1914)
Area in Square Miles 94,000 212,600 11,800 13,200 210,000
Population 45,500,100 42,000,000 8,300,000 8.500,000 67,500,000
Area of Colonies 13,100,000 4,300,000 940,000 790,000 1,100,000
Population of Colonies 470,000,000 65,000,000 13,000,000 66,000,000 13,000,000

SOURCE: Mary Evelyn Townsend, European Colonial Expansion Since 1871 (Chicago: J.P. Lippincott Company, 1941), p. 19

Percentage of Territories Belonging to the European/US Colonial Powers

Region Percentage Controlled
Africa 90.4%
Polynesia 98.9%
Asia 56.5%
Australia 100.0%
Americas 27.2%

SOURCE: A. Supan, Die territoriale Entwicklung der Euroaischen Kolonien (Gotha, 1906), p. 254