The Conquest of Civilization
By James Henry Breasted
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1926
Publisher's introduction
Henry Breasted (1865-1935) was a premier US orientalist, archæologist and
historian. He wrote extensively on ancient civilizations. As a founder of the
Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, which began in 1922 with a
grant from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., he contributed to the development of the
idea of a "Western Civilization" by broadening the definition of
Europe's cultural roots to include the entire "Near East" - well
beyond the traditional fixation on just Greece and Rome.
extracts are intended only to generate hypotheses that some enterprising
students might wish to investigate. Here are some of the questions raised by
the following extracts from Breasted:
- Why would a leading
capitalist such as Rockefeller help establish the Oriental Institute and
bother to fund its esoteric archæological expeditions to Egypt and
Mesopotamia? It was the practice of the "robber barons" to
assuage their guilt or public hostility by funding expensive impractical
projects such as astronomical observatories, and it would be interesting
to know Rockefeller's intentions in this case.
- Note Breasted's
adoption of the ideology of modern science and its laboratory method.
This method aimed to isolate things, to remove or at least control their
relation with the world outside the laboratory in order to reduce things
to their essence and therefore expose any laws of motion that are truely
universal. In historiography at the time, there was a comparable
obsession with hard evidence, a reduction of things to bundles of
empirical traits, at the expense of their representation as processes.
By embracing the ideology of the laboratory, did historians create for
themselves static objects of investigation that are profoundly
- Did this undercut the
nineteenth-century ideological function of historiography (historic
consciousness being the cornerstone of liberty) and contribute to
historiography's subsequent decline in relation to other social sciences
in the twentieth century?
- The close association
between Europe's predatory stance toward the rest of the world and the
origins of world historiography has long been recognized. The world
historian, Sir Walter Raleigh, is a case in point. Other world cultures
generally don't assume that historiography should extend beyond one's
own roots and relations with immediate neighbors. However, to suggest
that world historiography was merely an ideolgy suited to the age of
empire is probably a gross simplification. What was there about Europe's
own history that required such a predatory stance and an absorption of
the globe into its own history (as in von Ranke's Weltgeschichtge
or Breasted's incorporation of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt into
Western Civilization)?
- There seems to have
been a contradiction in Breasted's attempt to broaden the scope of
historiography to create such a large complex unit as the "Near
East" and "Western Civilization." Reductionism aims to
reduce complex wholes to simple stable elements and to represent change
or emergent properties as a consequence of combining these simple
elements into complex wholes. Research therefore begins with the
analysis to complexities into its simple constituents, and on that basis
to synthesize a complex whole that has properties emerging from that
synthesis. However, didn't Breasted start with complex wholes and assume
them to be essentially simple (shared culture, uniform race, shared
bouyance of spirit)? Didn't in fact his widening the scope of historical
units defined in empiricist terms result in unintelligible complexity?
So, was there a contradiction between the method of historiography and
its ideological need to encompass large units of analysis? Is
"Western Civilization" inescapably ideological?
- Breasted redefined the
nature of historical units. Rather than the state as a unit, the result
was a cultural ecumene called "Western Civilization" that embraced
"Mediterranean Civilization" and the "Near East,"
which in turn was a fusion of the cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia. By
creating such a cultural interaction sphere, he could infer a
predominant or essential cutural unity. However, this seems to contradict
classic economic theory which argued that commercial interaction itself
gives rise to new value. If true, then the interaction of cultures in
the region of "Western Civilization" should have led to
cultural diversification, not simple homogenization. In fact, of course,
it did to complexity, and so how does Breasted reconcile actual
complexification and his assumed simple essence to define the entire
- In the nineteenth
century, Europe's global dominance joined with its governments'
willingness to pour great resources into a rigorous scientific
investigation of historical evidence the world over. This profoundly
challenged the old historiographic verities. It was now longer so
obvious that the Classical Civilization of the Mediterranean, which had
long butressed European arrogance in relation with the rest of the
world, was older and superior to the riverine civilizations of the Nile
and Tigris and Euphrates. Did Breasted seek to restore Europe's faith in
its own superiority by redefining the unit of analysis from the state to
a cultural ecumene, and then to expand this cultural interaction sphere
to include both Egypt and Mesopotamia? While that would not support the
superiority of Europeans vis à vis their immediate neighbors in
Egypt and Mesopotamia, it did maintain the superiority of this new
entity, "Western Civilization," which Breasted helped invent,
in relation to the rest of the world.
- There was another way
in which modern science could lend support to European dominance. Toward
the end of the nineteenth century emerged scientific racism. This was
more than a universal tendency of people to become clanish as their
social environment becomes problematic. It seems, rather, linked with
capitalism's distinctive mode of exploitation, wage slavery. That is,
like traditional legal slavery, the wage slave is provided only the
means of social reproduction (the value of his time in the labor market
calculated on the basis of what it would cost to reproduce it), not his
or her development as a social being. In the age of imperialism, the
intensity of exploitation could be reduced at home in order to maintain
political order, by intensifying exploitation abroad. In his writings,
why does Breasted argue that the people of "Western
Civilization" are superior, have a greater "bouyancy of
- Breasted takes some
extraordinary liberties to justify this new order. He assumes below that
people within the orbit of Western Civiliztion are white, and people
outside it are of color and therefore inferior, lacking Westerners's
bouyancy of spirit. I suppose he counted on people never actually
visiting Egypt to discover that its inhabitants were people of color,
but just in case, Egypt can be detached from Africa by incorporating it
into a new unit called the "Near East." So Western dominance
was due to the fact that Westerners, a cultural amalgam of Mediterranean
and Near Eastern white people, were inherently superior. Is there such a
profound contradiction in his view of history between what is actually
observed and what he needs to see? Is the notion of Western Civilization
fundamentally based on scientific racism and capitalist exploitation?
- Note Breasted's
concern for the creation of a mass base of support for the expensive
research carried out by the Oriental Institute. He was not looking for a
mass funding source, as we might assume today, but felt that the
knowledge created by the OI was politically useful. Is this simply a
manifestation of the Age of Imperialism, which did not require active
participation of the masses, but merely their acquiescence to the
policies of the owners of capital? On the other hand, such a concern for
a mass base for historiography was also manifest in H. G. Wells and in
Geoffrey Barraclough, but they articulated the position that
globalization required well-informed global citizens. Did Breasted share
that higher ideal, or was he simply an apologist for imperialism? Has
the word "civilization" become a cover for racist assumptions?
From the Forward of The Conquest
of Civilization
fact that man possessed the capacity to rise from bestial savagery to
civilization. . .is the greatest fact in the history of the universe as known
to us. . . . This amazing new capability. . .disclosed a kind of buoyancy of
the human spirit. . .
a laboratory for the study of man's [emph. in original] career from
the earlier traces of his existence. . ., through the far-reaching generosity
of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., such a laboratory known as the "Oriental
Institute," has now been developed at the University of Chicago.
Its object is to furnish the funds and facilities for the investigation and
recovery of the early human career. . . [The OI publications] are intended to
contribute toward a more nearly complete recovery and understanding of the
evidence of man's gradual conquest of civilization [there follows a
discussion of how the publications of the OI are reserved to a scientific
élite, but Breasted intends his present work to illustrates how scientific
conclusions can be reshaped for mass consumption.]
perhaps the most far-reaching consequence among newly discovered sources [is
that] the earliest home of civilization was thus unquestionably the Near
East, the contiguous area of northeastern Africa and southwestern Asia,
whence its fundamentals passed to southeastern Europe [Greece]. Civilization
arose in [the Near East], and early Europe obtained it there. . . The leading
religion of the world - the one which still dominates Western civilization
to-day - came to us out of the Orient.
From pp. 111-116
are now in a position to define in its largest terms the scene of the
evolution of civilization and to place geographically the region which
brought forth the culture we have inherited. . . (p. 111).
Great Northwest Quadrant [including all Europe, southwestern Asia and
northern Africa] has been until recently the scene of the highest development
of life on our planet.
population of the Great Northwest Quadrant, from the Stone Age onward, has
been a race of white men of varying physical type. The evolution of
civilization has been the achievement of this Great White Race. . . .(p.
type of man with straight and wiry hair, round head, almost beardless face,
and yellow skin - a man whom we call Mongoloid [context shows he means the
Chinese]. . .did not develop civilization until long after civilization was
already. . .far advanced in the Northwest Quadrant.
the south of the Northwest Quadrant lay the teeming [interesting
choice of words: it literally means swarming microorganisms or sexually
prolific] black world of Africa, separated from the Great White Race by an
impassable desert barrier [not only is the separation of black Africa and the
Mediterranean a myth, but the suggestion that the Sahara separates Egypt from
Africa supports the idea that "Africa" is a matter of skin color,
not geography]. . . and unfitted by ages of tropical life for any effective
intrusion among the White Race, the negro and negroid peoples remained
without any influence on the development of early civilization [Enlightenment
geographers had assumed that tropical life makes one lethargic, but Breasted
subtly converts this into a more explicitly racist assumption that a tropical
environment eventually alters one's genes to result in less boyancy of spirit
than the Great White Race]. We may then exclude both of these external races
[i.e., the great bulk of the world's population] from any share in the
origins or subsequent development [n.b.] of civilization [in a note Breasted
qualifies this by noting that the Chinese have been significant for modern
European history.]
Great White Race. . .includes a considerable range of types [to which
belonged] the Egyptians (not withstanding their tanned [sic] skins),
doubtless also the Semitics, and of course the [Mediterranean peoples] long
loosely called "Aryan" because of their speech, which of course has
no necessary connection with race (p. 113). [Notice how Egyptians and Semitic
people in general are incorporated into a White (Caucasian) race, and that
the concept "Near East" tends to distance Egypt from being
essentially African].
civilization was geographically so remote that. . .it had no direct
connection with the main stream of civilized development of which we of the
west are a part. . . India received a great impetus from the west [following
upon Alexander's conquest]. Chinese civilization must have received its
material basis in agriculure and cattle breeding from western sources. . .
(p. 114). [It didn't occur to Breasted that Chinese, Africans or Indians
might have been able to create civilization on their own].
culture diffusion. . .was obviously going on for thousands of years around
the Old World center (p. 116).