The Glass Menagerie
by Tennessee Williams


Reading Comprehension Quiz Scenes 2-6


1.       Why did Laura quit the Rubicam Business College?

2.       Where did she wind up spending her time when she should have been in class?

3.       What does Amanda determine to do after she learns the truth?

4.       Who did Laura once love?

5.       What disease left Laura lame?

6.       What job does Amanda get so that she can fix up the apartment?

7.       What deal does Amanda propose to Tom about Laura?

8.       Who does Tom invite to dinner?

9.       What union has Tom just joined?

10.   How does Amanda get Laura ready for the big night?


E.C. Tom says he has been going to the movies, but where has he really been going each night?

E.E.C. Who was the Hogan Gang?