Vocabulary List (Make up a sentence using each word.)

Reading #1 (pp.43-66)

anecdotes (p.43) - the narrative of a detached incident, or of a single event, told as being in itself interesting or striking.

scrivener (p.47)- A professional penman; a scribe, copyist; a clerk, secretary, amanuensis. 

apparitor (p.50)- An officer of a civil court.

conventicles (p.50)- An assembly, a meeting; esp. a regular meeting of any society, corporation, body, or order of men. Obs. [L. conventus and conventiculum.]

heinous (p.52)- Hateful, odious; highly criminal or wicked; infamous, atrocious: chiefly characterizing offences, crimes, sins, and those who commit them.

purport (p.52)- To have as its purport, bearing, or tenor; to convey to the mind; to bear as its meaning; to express, set forth, state; to mean, imply.

arbitrator (p.55)- One who is chosen by the opposite parties in a dispute to arrange or decide the difference between them; an arbiter.

indentures (p.58)- The contract by which an apprentice is bound to the master who undertakes to teach him a trade; also the contract by which a person binds himself to service in the colonies, etc.to take up one's indentures, to receive the indenture back from the master in evidence of the completion of apprenticeship or service.

proficiency (p.59)- The state or degree of improvement attained; an advanced condition; the quality or fact of being proficient; adeptness, expertness, skill.

confute (p.60)- To prove (a person) to be wrong; to overcome or silence in argument; to convict of error by argument or proof.

disputatious (p.66)- Characterized by, or given to, disputation; inclined to dispute or wrangle; contentious.

propriety (p.60)- Fitness, appropriateness, aptitude, suitability; appropriateness to the circumstances or conditions; conformity with requirement, rule, or principle; rightness, correctness, justness, accuracy. (Cf. PROPER a. 4, 9.)

perspicuity (p.61)- Clearness of statement or exposition; freedom from obscurity or ambiguity; lucidity.

temperance (p.63)- The practice or habit of restraining oneself in provocation, passion, desire, etc.; rational self-restraint. (One of the four cardinal virtues.)    a. Self-restraint and moderation in action of any kind, in the expression of opinion, etc.; suppression of any tendency to passionate action; in early use, esp. self-control, restraint, or forbearance, when provoked to anger or impatience.

diffidence (p.65)- Distrust of oneself; want of confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness; modesty, shyness of disposition.