Franklin Quiz 4: Return to Philadelphia & The Pennsylvania
- What happened to Franklin's kind mentor and employer, Mr. Denham, when he and Franklin returned to Philadelphia?
- What had happened to his once friend, Ms. Read?
- How did Franklin know that he had a dead-end job at Keimer’s
printing shop? What did he do to ensure his future success while in
this difficult situation?
What skills did Franklin and his friends develop during the
Friday night meetings of the Junto Club?
How was The Pennsylvania Gazette different from its
competition in both appearance and content?
Who saved the business when Franklin’s principal partner pulled
Why does Franklin emphasize that the appearance of industry and
frugality is as important as reality of these virtues?
EC Use the following in a sentence: factotum ; compunction
- How
did he Franklin take advantage of the currency debate in the
Pennsylvania legislature to put himself in the position to land a
highly lucrative contract?