Franklin Quiz #3: London
you'd think he would know better by now, what big mistakes does Ben
make during his first months in London?
- What does Franklin consider to be his biggest mistake with women? (How does he mess up his relationship with Miss Read?) (43)
- With whom does Franklin continue to hang out?
- How successful is Ralph at finding work? (Where does he look?) (45)
- With whom does Franklin begin to make new friends after publishing his pamphlet at Palmer's Printing House? (45-46) (Who does he get to meet?)
- Why did Ralph take Franklin's name when he finally got a teaching job out in the country? (46)
- What did Franklin do with Ralph's girl friend while he was out of town? (the consequence?) (46-47)
- How did Franklin manage to alienate his co-workers at Watt's Printing House?
- How did he finally manage to get on the good side of his co-workers? (46-47)
- How did Franklin finally start to get his life straightened out while living on Duke Street? (47-48)
- How did he pick up extra money outside of work? (48-49)
- What lesson did Franklin’s mentor Mr. Denham teach him about the best way to deal with debt? (49-50)
- What job did Denham offer him? (49-50)
- Even though Franklin did not make much money in London, what
great lessons did he learn there?