The Political Revolution and the Enlightenment

Revolution in Political Thought:


1. What were three features of the emerging modern state?

2. According to Machiavelli, why should a leader avoid morality in his administration of government?

3. What was Hobbes’ vision of human nature?

4. What is Hobbes’ version of the social contract?

5. Why was an absolute monarchy necessary in Hobbes’ state?

6. What was Locke’s vision of human nature?


7.  What was Locke’s theory of natural rights?

8. Under what conditions does a citizen have the right to rebel, according to Locke?


9. What were the deists’ religious beliefs?

Epistemology, Psychology, Education

10. What was Locke’s theory of epistemology, the way humans learn?

11. How does Locke’s epistemology refute the Church’s idea of original sin?

Religious Toleration, Freedom of the Press, Humanitarianism

12. What reform movements were inaugurated by the philosphes? How did they believe a utopian society could be created?